this is one practice i...

Finally naked women are no longer getting free rides in life. Even if you're naked you still gotta work bitch.
i told you it's awesome. it has absolutely no drawbacks. if it's freezing outside even better, nipples get nice hard, stiff and pointy. if one...khm...subject passes away, well, you can't look at one girl forever right guys?

Can anyone give me a moral difference between this and pimping your daughter out? I'm not judging btw, just, you know, out of interest ;)
I'd let her plow my field HUR HUR HUR - sorry...

Didn't even realise I'd already replied to this. Drunk, no excuse, except that I'm drunk.
I'd let her plow my field HUR HUR HUR - sorry...

Didn't even realise I'd already replied to this. Drunk, no excuse, except that I'm drunk.
Just don't start humping Epona.
I find most east asians beautiful but India is not my taste.
I guess looking back at my post, I didn't fully explain my position.

I'm completely in line with Vegeta. The whole thing boils down to 'taste.' What's a taste? A personal preference.

Declaring someone as "fugly" is not only tasteless in word choice, but also implies that the rules behind the "beauty scale" revolve around the declarer who made such an assertion. It's no different from saying "that movie sucked," or "he is a good actor." The fact of the matter is: there is no empirical, universal rule behind what makes an actor "good," or what makes a movie "suck," or what makes a woman "fugly."

For example, I didn't like the movie "Requiem for a Dream" at all. I would never watch it again under any circumstances. I thought it too grotesque, I thought the repetition was ultimately too repetitive, and it made me sick to my stomach. I will never say it is a "bad" movie. I can sympathize that the creators' intentions were to produce a work of art. The word is in "it is bad" is declarative. There is a certain force behind it. The implication is, "this statement is irrevocable LAW."

What I'm getting at is not to restate the age-old argument of "people have different opinions." I'm talking about people who unknowingly make ignorant statements and deem them as the obvious truth. While I extend this argument to even people who say "this food is delicious," I especially apply it to the beauty of human beings.
Yeah, like Vegeta and I like flat chest yet most people prefer XXXX65 sized shit.

Also, I like cat ears.
All Asians are fugly, no matter what kind of asian they are. This is fact.
Ears/tail only look fine on paper. The more realistic it becomes, the creepier it is.
All Asians are fugly, no matter what kind of asian they are. This is fact.

While in asia, yes. But once asians (particularly south asians) come to a european country they become somewhat pretty. In the face.
I could elaborate further, but I will not.

She wore them on a date once. It was awesome.