this is sofa king awesome

if you dont get this your sofa king stupid
Its always amusing to think of phrases in an immature matter.

Imaturity rules. :E
I saw a truck once with "Far Canal" on the back :)

Imaturity is sofa king sweet!!
Link doesn't work for me, brings me to that god damn incredifind shit.
Foxtrot said:
Link doesn't work for me, brings me to that god damn incredifind shit.

That's just a 404 page... you should scan your computer for spyware
link doesn't work for me either...:(

anyhow, that's sofa king lame....
I have adaware and spybot S&D, I scan with both almost daily.
Chris_D said:
You're sofa king dumb :translation: You're so furcking dumb
I got the Sofa King, I sofa king understood it back in grade 4 when someone told me.
I was asking about the Far Canal one. :bounce:
Here is a pic i no a user that uses this for his avatar and his name is Sofaking lol.

Hopefully the file will attach my first try using this feature so bare with me its not showing up in the preview before posting...
Ohhh, I thought I'd never get it but then I just suddenly got it. LOL

I think there will rise a new cult , the "Sofa King cool cult" , and it'll battle the IFG cult on friday nights.
Im dumb.... I dun get it

Its so f**king lame! :D


BTW SpuD its not Xmas n e more m8..
Man, I gotta switch avatar to that guy, he's Sofa King cool!
CrazyHarij said:
Ohhh, I thought I'd never get it but then I just suddenly got it. LOL

I think there will rise a new cult , the "Sofa King cool cult" , and it'll battle the IFG cult on friday nights.

ya i can already see the sofa king tug of war :upstare: :laugh:

hmm.. but i think it will be no contest.. those IFG guys have so much energy.. must be the nutrigrain bar :laugh:

btw this thread is sofa king cool!!! :thumbs:
Top Secret said:
This is sofa king going to be a tradition.
HL² are gonna be sofa king awsome!
HL² will sofa king pwn DoomIII!
HL² is gonna be sofa king great if it ever gets released!
HL² is sofa king overdue! Isnt it going to be released soon plz!!!

OK Im tired of this thing.. for now ;)
Reminds me of an Aussie place name...

Anyone here ever been to Wethafarkarwi?
Top Secret, your sofa king right, this is going to be a hl2net tradition.
I didn't sofa king like the sofa king avatar but the sofa king was sofa king cool some sofa king how.