this is the first time i wish my phone camera had better resolution


Aug 6, 2004
Reaction score
really...i should be given the best pic of the year award.

the story goes:

i just came back from a date with a pretty girl (it was about 9 pm)...and needed to go piss really badly. so i went on the public bathroom on the train station and decided to take the cubicle. so i get in lock the door, take my cock and behold...there's a giant turd and an open syringe in the toilet. since i have a higher tolerance to disgusting things i just pissed away. then i went out wash my hands and some old dude just tries to take the same cubicle but turns around and gives me a wink...i was like...WTF!?!?. i told him it was not mine and left. the rest of the trip home i laughed my ass off.

the moral of this story is:

-public bathrooms suck
-public bathrooms at late hours suck even more
-junkies suck as well

man...i hope that didn't give me aids. :naughty:
****ing awesome, man.

No, really.
Great story, except the first bit, too unbelievable for my tastes, you gotta make your readers believe in the setting.
no seriously...i was on a date. also the girl was pretty, a bit emo but pretty.
I thought you said butt plug. I double-taked. Double-tooked. Something.
She was probably wearing a butt plug. As well as a vagina plug.
And a third-hole plug.

So where does the camera resolution come in? Did you take a picture?

Was it a shitty picture?
So where does the camera resolution come in? Did you take a picture?

Was it a shitty picture?

That's what I was wondering. I presume he wishes he had better camera resolution because the pretty girl he took the pic of needs all the help she can get.

That was mean. :(
That's what I was wondering. I presume he wishes he had better camera resolution because the pretty girl he took the pic of needs all the help she can get.

I like to suck penises of young boys.

there, fixt. :)