This is what happens when the TSA confisacates personal items


May 5, 2004
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State of Illinois auction website for items confiscated by government agencies


24 lbs of Assorted Used Multitools. current bid $1

box of Leatherman multitools that usually retail from $50 - $100. Current bid: $1

63 Total of Victorinox Swiss Army Knives.

23 Large and 40 Small. current bid $1

some of the items are weird like 50 snow globes for $1. I for one feel safe that snowglobes are being confiscated so that terr'ists dont kill innocents with ...snow globes
Well, **** the TSA but **** yeah I'm bidding.
30 Leatherman tools for 10 dollars? Jesus ****ing Christ.
Get yourself a Crown Vic over there and scare people on the highway.
I remember just after 9/11 at my local intl airport there where TSA guards scattered across the airport wielding unloaded m16s what would have they done if a terrorist walked in hit them with the rifle.
Or perhaps they would have loaded them.
Oh wow with all those multitools you could break into like four or five keypads.
There's probably a good chance the people who buy them end up losing them to the TSA again, it's a money roundabout. Pretty cheap stuff though. Dunno if I'd want stuff like that second hand though.
48 energy saving light bulbs for $1 is a pretty good deal...

It's a little sad but not surprising. My old university used to auction off bikes left on the bike racks after the school year.
Those are the two best stats in the game. Problem? J.C. Denton, Swimming Specialist.
some of the items are weird like 50 snow globes for $1. I for one feel safe that snowglobes are being confiscated so that terr'ists dont kill innocents with ...snow globes

You don't fill your snowglobes with arsenic?