This may have been said already...


Mar 8, 2004
Reaction score
Will HL2 have a quicksave? I dont really want speculation.

I dont think this game should be ruined by a quicksave feature, i'm playing FarCry and it doesnt come with a quicksave feature and it add's a massive ammount of realism to it, it also makes you try harder because if you die you dont load back up 2 seconds before where you died, So will HL2 have one?
in a video interview a while back they said they wanted to construct the autosaves so u wont have to keep going over a huge area time and time again, i can understand why quicksave takes things out of mission based games, giving Splinter Cell quicksave for instance was a crime, but for half-life 2's continuous play i think quicksave is fine.
im not to sure, but if it does i might try to not use it the first time through. i think i remember gabe saying that there should be a trust between the gamer and the level designer, so that you can go through without having to worry about ammo, health, danger, etc...
Quicksave is a HL tradition! I can't see them going the route of FC after SO many people complained about the lack of quicksaves.. besides, Crytek is working on adding quicksave in the next patch.

No quicksaves = bad idea, might as well give the users a chance to quicksave. I personally had no problem with FC's lack of quicksaves though, but, I can't imagine playing through HL2 like that
I'm sure there will be quick save. Why don't ignore it if you don't want to use. The quick save will be in Far Cry in next patch because many peoples complain about it.

Different gamer prefer different save feature because of personal preference and his/her previous gaming experience or style (limited save, auto save, no save, quick save); why force people follow particular save system?

Realism? Most important things for game is fun.
Hehe...quick save is too much of a convenience for most people for them to jettison it in favor of the minority. It's also voluntary, so I'd count on it being in there.
yeh, whats wrong with that?,... its how the first HL was done, its handy. if you dont fancy being a fool and dieing and having to play through hours of script again
I hope Valve gets rid of the HL save system and uses floating save crystals that look like the Half Life 2 logo.

Gordon can only carry 3 of these at a time and each time he saves it cost him a crystal.

I know that people complained about FC not having a quicksave. Someone coded one anyway but if the saves are'nt in stupid random places then it makes it better....HL might of had a quicksave option, and i did use it :p but i dont particually like the idea of it being in there, if its there then im going to use it and if its not then wahay! im playing FC on the 3rd hardest setting first time round and it isnt bad without quicksaves...either a no quicksave option or a limited number of saves per map depending on difficulty level you have it on.

I already know that anyone that played through HL has done a really hard part by repeatedly quickloading 1 second prior so they can get past it without loosing any health then quicksaved it again straight after, Thats what i dont like and Thats what ruins it.
Gabe has confirmed quicksaving in HL2. Like Shuzer said, it's a tradition!
i liked operation flahpoints save system.

1 quick save allowed.

made you realy think about things before you ran into the village without ordering your mortar team to bombard it or setting up a defence and moving your tank platoon to the south side of your base when the enemy were coming from the north.

although... In flashpoint you didnt walk round the corner and get skull f*cked by a 18 foot tall alien.
alehm said:
I hope Valve gets rid of the HL save system and uses floating save crystals that look like the Half Life 2 logo.

Gordon can only carry 3 of these at a time and each time he saves it cost him a crystal.

thats to...GBA'ish ...ey
I persoanlly loved the quick save and i'm really glad it will be in there, some parts were ****ing hard and you wanted to be able to get thrugh without being ****ed over, using it to make sure you retain 100% health and HEV throughout the whole game sucks but using it to avoid repetitive sections or those instant death moments is fine.
:dozey: Quicksaves= life savers. Check out FarCry, HORRIBLE! Have you ever gotten in a position where you are being shot at by 20 soldiers and the same time? BAM! Quicksaves right when you ****in die, what a bitch.
Have automatic scripted saving like Far Cry. Also have quicksaves. Then make up your own damn mind which one you want to use.
In my opinion, quicksaves are a double-edged sword. While sometimes necessary, they make the game unrealistic, unbalanced, and dis-engage the player from the action. Don't argue that "if you don't like it, just don't use it" because the temptation is often too great to resist. It'd be like if Valve added a weapon that was on the first level, that could annhiliate everything in the game in one hit. While you could still say "if you don't like it, just don't use it," the fact that a weapon like that is there ruins the experience for almost everyone, and cheapens the rest of the arsenal.

I'd love to see more developers adding an "iron-man" option to their games that allows only extremely limiting saving (i.e, only save upon exiting the game or between levels). That way, players are rewarded for having the "full-experience." Another option would be to integrate it with the "hard" difficulty setting.
From a developer's perspective, I came up with this solution:

Far-Cry style scripted saving, with 1, 2, or 3 extra personal saves (depending on difficulty level), either for emergency use, or if you have to shut down/leave the computer/make babies etc
Or you don't be a little pussy assed crybaby and resist the temptation to quick save every few seconds.
I think the best way would be to have both types of saves in the options menu. That way you can toggle either of them on/off, so you can have Far Cry style checkpoint saves and quicksaving enabled or either one of them. That way I don't think there would be many complaints about the saving system. It could possibly add to the replayability as well.

I didn't have a problem with Far Cry's save system, in fact in some cases it added to the tension and atmosphere.
Yeah i liked the save system in Far Cry, its different, but it allows you to play on again from those checkpoints after you've finished the game
Sparta said:
Yeah i liked the save system in Far Cry, its different, but it allows you to play on again from those checkpoints after you've finished the game

I almost forgot about that. I loved going back to some of the more spectacular set pieces in the game after I'd finished it and trying different things. Something which the checkpoint saves allow