This so-called Battlefield 2.


Aug 11, 2005
Reaction score
Once I have my new computer (see hardware section), I plan on getting this game, it looks pretty cool. But is it similar to Counter-Strike? Halo? Sort of it's own thing? I'd like a little info about it.
No and no.

It's like most of the other battlefield series. Except this one doesn't suck.
I've never played any Battlefield games, so Iwouldn't know what they are like.
Just be prepared to get very annoyed. Because everyone thinks they are the one-man super army that is so damn special they deserve everyone's recognition. Like when you arty a flag, kill 4 enemies, and tk some guy who ran in during the strike in an attempt to capture it and then get punished by him because he is completely and utterly shocked that he was so insignificant in your eyes that you weren't watching his movements and attempting to plot out his intended destination and THEN make your plans accordingly. guess what happened to me tonight.
Here is the goal of the game. 2 Teams start out with a home base. Just for example, one flag. The objective is to capture the remaining flags in the map, and hold them. Tickets, a number that decreases with a death of a teamate, or gradually lost if the opponent has too many flags, are needed to win. When a team runs out of tickets, they lose.

That work?
Dont forget he might not be familiar with the simple facts, like:
-you can use any vehicles on the maps
-maps are much much bigger than your CS maps- although in some urban maps it can be as intense.
-its very system hungry- hope you gotta good machine!
No helis in Karkand :)

And you don't need an xtreme machxine to run bf2 :P
Also..CS is like an arcade type shooter, while BF2 is like a FPS strategy game. I love the game and can't wait for the expansion pack.
Yeah, what xlucidx said.
But the big attraction is the fact that you get to shoot, drive, and fly everything that isn't nailed down. This ranges from the anti-aircraft guns on a aircraft carrier, to special special forces fast-attack buggies.
DannyC. said:
Counter-Strike? Halo? Sort of it's own thing? I'd like a little info about it.

The most important distinction from those games is the player hierarchy in BF2. It's not just a bunch of people thrown randomly into an arena to start shooting each other.

Teams are so massive (up to 32 players per side) that they're split up into smaller units, called squads. Each squad has up to six players in it. The idea (!) is that the players in a squad will work together as a contained unit. Each squad has one leader, who can give commands to other guys in his squad.

Each squad leader, in turn, recieves orders from the Commander of the entire team. He's playing an RTS-style game, with a top-down view of the map.

Of course, if people don't play properly this system falls to bits and the game is no fun at all. Good luck! ;)
Alright, I think I'm starting to see it. That's pretty cool, the squad thing. And all the equipment versatility sounds great.

Now, as a random thing, you guys gotta tell what's wrong with my avatar settings. I get an image in paint (is paint the problem?), reduce the image and borders to 50 x 50, load it up, and it always says 'this is not a valid image file'. Is there a type of file I have to save it as?

Back to Battlefield. It would seem as though the comp. I'm building is pretty good, I think I'll run it great. What weapon do you start with and what weapons are there?
If you used the default setting, it is saved as .bmp. Try doing save as, and setting the file type as jpeg.
Same damn thing. Looks like I might just have to stick to not having one :(. I wonder what the problem is.

Do you get to pick your side on Battlefield? Character models?
Different maps are either MEC vs USMC or Commies vs USMC
You chose which 'class' of character you wish to play as, Medic, Assault, Spec-Ops, Engi, Anti-Tank, Support and Sniper. Each country has varying weapons for different classes (cept some like Anti-Tank missile for MEC+Commies)
Different classes have different looks, as does different countries have different uniforms
When you reach Lance-Corporal you get a weapon unlock, choose one weapon for any of the classes. Each new rank gets you a new unlock
The server puts you on a side to start with (in my experiance the team that needs players)
DannyC. said:
Same damn thing. Looks like I might just have to stick to not having one :(. I wonder what the problem is.

Do you get to pick your side on Battlefield? Character models?

<This site> should contain all the info u seek.
Cool, thanks. I might print that.

My... avatar... *sniff* :(
Sure just ignore my post.
It answers everything.

You just have to not be lazy on your part, and read reviews, and check out the website.
I dunno Lucid, I did that, and didn't think I'd like the game :P

I'll admit, I downloaded BF2. I didn't expect to play it, I hated Vietnam and 1942. So I didn't think this would be any different. I downloaded, played with the bots, was not really I deleted. My friend showed up a few days later, said he wanted to play, so we reinstalled, found the way to play LAN with bots, and went nuts. That was some of the most fun gaming I've had in months. That convinced me. People I know, will make the game fun. AND IT DID!
Yes I played the demo too, for some reason, I didn't get enjoyment on it :(
CyberPitz said:
Yes I played the demo too, for some reason, I didn't get enjoyment on it :(

Some of my best BF2 moments were during the demo days. The first weekend it was out was awesome.