This was a Triumph



Hey guys,

I don't usually post here, but I thought I'd share this with you.

I'm a member of a rock band called 'missFlag'... you may or may not have heard of us.
Well anyway, we loved the Portal theme so much that we decided to cover it, just as a fun side project ;)

We had a rehearsal a few days ago, and recorded ourselves playing it - we recorded through a laptop, so the sound quality isn't too great, but we still think Portal fans might enjoy it!


We'd love to hear what you think!

Lol, that was really a triumph! Great work, guys! Can you please post notes or tabs for the song?

BTW Watch out for the guy on synthesizer, he will break his neck if he keeps head banging like that! Just kidding!
good, I like it, i see you put some work into writing the manuscripts. However I have one critiscism:
the singing is too flat, you need more high and low notes.
Nice effort, but you really need to work on the sound quality, its dreadful. The microphone level is way too high making it exceedingly distorted. With all the distortion its hard to determine how well you are singing it.
Thanks a lot guys!

We're aware of the dreadful sound quality, but this was just a fun experiment, we weren't really intending to do with it anything.
We just pressed "record" on a MacBook (using the MacBook's crappy microphone) and played through the song :p

Oh and I believe there are already tabs available for the song somewhere online, just google it and I'm sure you'll find something :)
Hehe that was excellent, a worthy tribute to the song. Good work putting that together, I'm sure Valve would be appreciative of it too, make sure you send them a link to the video :)
Thanks :)

I'd love to send them the video link, any recommendation on how I should contact them?
Try [email protected] or whatever his email is, I'm sure Gabe would love it.

If we could eliminate lag issues, we could steamchat the instruments lol. :/

Probably not.


/EDIT If you record better sound quality voiceless I'll try and do a GLaDOS over it. Please? :p
Aye, I suggest sending this Valves way, I am sure they will really appreciate it. :)

Good cover, shame about the quality, but you guys are on top of that so no biggie.
You should also send a copy to Jonathan Coulton. I mean, he wrote the song.
I like the rock arrangement. Actually I think it can be a #1 hit in the charts if recorded properly in studio.
Thanks for the kind words guys!

We're not at all ruling out the option of recording a high quality studio version - if this video becomes popular and enough people seem interested, we'll definitely do it :)

I've sent Gabe an email a couple of days ago - hopefully he'll reply.

Anyway, thanks!
Spreading the word about this video to other Portal fans would definitely help :)
SHIT! You are from missFlag the Iranian Band or Jerusalem band rite?

Holy shit, you guys are awesome, I have one of your albums, the one with the song Hidden Thieves.

If you are a coldplay fan, you would love their music. Wow, I dunno what to say, a favourite artist of mine in! ftw
SHIT! You are from missFlag the Iranian Band or Jerusalem band rite?

Holy shit, you guys are awesome, I have one of your albums, the one with the song Hidden Thieves.

If you are a coldplay fan, you would love their music. Wow, I dunno what to say, a favourite artist of mine in! ftw


About the song. I played the Portal through and I have to say this was friggin' awesome. 10/10. Although yeah, would like a nicely recorded one too.
0:47 - 1:02 rofl at the keyboard player

Nice job still ;)
SHIT! You are from missFlag the Iranian Band or Jerusalem band rite?

Holy shit, you guys are awesome, I have one of your albums, the one with the song Hidden Thieves.

If you are a coldplay fan, you would love their music. Wow, I dunno what to say, a favourite artist of mine in! ftw

Haha, nice to see someone recognize us! Thanks man :)

BTW we're Israeli, not Iranian.. LOL.
Omg! You got the bloody song in my head again!

Not great quality as you said, but it sounds quite awesome :afro: