Thomas the Tank Engine...IN DA HOUSE!


Walking round in women's underwear
Mar 9, 2005
Reaction score
I'm confused... that was funny why?
The fact that the rhythm of the lyrics fit to the Thomas The Tank Engine theme tune, coincidence? I think not.
The fact that the rhythm of the lyrics fit to the Thomas The Tank Engine theme tune, coincidence? I think not.

I couldn't even understand the lyrics and I didn't make the connection. Well I'm going to go to bed now as I need sleep, and listen to it again in the morning.
Why is it that all of my childhood memories have been tarnished as I get older? I went on cs and a guy posted a spray with Ash humping a Pokemon. Some person said "ahh wtf is that!?!" The guy just leisurely responded with "It's Ash Catch cum". With no sympathy or anything. :x
I lol'd... a little.

I died inside though. :(

I loved Thomas the Tank Engine, this was just surreal...
IM in my childhood, so in negative, that was added :D
I could feel my childhood being murdered as I watched it. Funny though :D