Those who are tired of HL2: What games are worth playing now?


The Freeman
Nov 5, 2004
Reaction score
MuToiD_MaN said:
I bet that in three months, if this thread was created again, everyone would post the same thing about some other game, mark my words.
Well it's been 3 months. What does everyone think now, honestly and truthfully? When I posted this quote I was expecting more games to be released since then, and since then I've become obsessed with the game I was previously denouncing (bf2). Regardless, let the question be posed again: what games are worth playing these days?

BF2 :angel:

P.S.: Mods if you don't like this repeat topic thread (the original hasn't been posted to in over three months), feel free to close it and I'll get a shovel and dig up the original.
avast, zombie master be funner than stomping bilge rats with a peg leg, ye scurvies.
The_Monkey said:
Soldat? What's that?

That's right NM. :P

I do wonder what FEAR is going to be like (Oct 11 release date, was it?). And I also wonder how much DOD:S is going to take of BF2's market share.

Oh yeah, and... tree cheers fer talk like a poyyyrate day, me hearties!
Black and White 2.
You'll spend years playing that game.
Nothing. :( For some reason I can't seem to get interested in anything but Valve games right now, and even those I'm getting bored to death of. I should install Flight Simulator 2004 or Sim City 4, would give me a break from so much FPS'ing.. meh.
Battlefield 2 and...

...uh...FEAR and...uh...

Battlefield 2?
I must say that Doom 3 is worth a replay. Especially now that it's not so high end (as much) anymore. It was nice going back through it in higher res with smoother frames. When it was first released, even with a 9800 Pro 128 at the time, I couldn't see as much detail.. and combat was choppy, now it's fluid and crisp, which makes for a much more enjoyable experience. Also, going to 5.1 or a good set of directional headphones versus a plain stereo setup should add to the experience, because now it's not so much "Wow, I heard a door open nearby, I bet another zombie is coming." and you just sit there and wait to find out where... it's more like "EEk a door opened __behind__ me OMGHAXX!!" and then you turn around and blast him in his face and continue the journey.

Even though a lot of people say level design was poor, if you really check out the design and can appreciate it that it's not just corridor after corridor, it's a journey through a vast complex, that is indeed different in different areas, although it does retail the overall silvery space station feel. I happen to like that eerie, abandoned in space feeling, as I've always been a huge fan of movies like Aliens or Even Horizon.. and even other games like System Shock 1/2, Doom 1, etc. Now I can see what Carmack was trying to show us in Doom 1. Really try and get into character, pretend your scared in the beginning (you will be) and then think about what your going to do next, your goals, etc, as you go through the game. That helps make it fun and scary because as the blood, gore, and challenge increase, your scared to go forward because you know your going deeper, and who knows what's next? Your the only one left to find out. The levels are nice when you examine them and you think "Ok now I'm going through some creepy boiler room" or "Holy ish theres LAVA breaking through the ground!!" instead of "Now I'm going through another boring room with metallic moving objects and wow, another pool of lava in another video game". Anyway if you got this far, thank you for reading my 1 year after review of Doom 3, good luck, get psyched, go buy a case of Bawls from Comp USA, and set aside a couple of late nights to go visit Hell on Mars again.
AoE 3 ( the demo was amazing ! )
B&W 2
I have dropped bf2.
Play some css, but nowadays it is mostly dystopia, which friggin rocks.
Have been playing some vtm:bloodlines and max payne 2 too. Both good games.
Apart from that I am mostly checking demos and usually I'm disappointed.

Playing AoE3 was like stepping into a time warp and playing a game that I once loved, but am now totally bored of, all over again. It pretty much sums up everything I dislike about pc gaming ...... playing the same tired games, just with a gfx update.