those with x800 xt cards


May 23, 2004
Reaction score
How much fps do you get in CS:S on res 1600x1200 with highest settings with 6 AA and 16 AF? I am getting an avarenge of 40 with this comp:

x800 xt pe
3.06 Ghz
1024 Mb RAM

I just want to see if I'm getting what I should
Btw but in the stress test I get an avarenge of 58......
that sounds pretty damn good.. is the stress test the map with stained glass and stuff?
Yes, the test that comes with the beta. I don't get it, why I get 58 fps in hl2 test and 40 fps in CS:S
wow. the x800 on 1600 with highest settings at 40 fps??? :E

my 9800pro manages 68fps on 1200 with high settings. my god, ati have really pushed the boundry on image quality and processing power for their cards.
The VST is testing all the shaders and effects. CS:S pushes your system harder because there's a damn sight more going on simultaneously.
Heh, just becuse the X800 XT is the fastest card out there right now doesn't mean it's like an "almighty superbeing". You expect it to be a bazillion (yes a bazillion) times better than the previous generation?
But of course, soon the X850 will come out (oh yes, 512MB graphics card baby) and you'll really see a performance boost.

what do you mean x850 and see a performence boost? You mean the pci card? Isn't it 256 mb with 500 core and 550 memory? The real performence boost will be x900 with 512 mb, PS 3.0+ etc etc which will come early next year and yes I'm going to buy it when it comes out :)

Anyways if people with the same card gets 60-65fps I want to have that much too, now 40-45 fps avarenge seems a little compared to that.

Please someone with an x800xt card tell me what you get! Be honest. ;(
Nex321 said:
How much fps do you get in CS:S on res 1600x1200 with highest settings with 6 AA and 16 AF? I am getting an avarenge of 40 with this comp:

x800 xt pe
3.06 Ghz
1024 Mb RAM

I just want to see if I'm getting what I should

You should get over 60fps, Oh yeah sory m8, it all depends on your memory setting, type of memory, and off course your cpu is 3.06.

I was thinking over 60fps on FX53 + ocz3500eb + THE asus motherboard.

I think you should maybe get at least 50 on your machine ? :bounce:
If your that guy with the 220W PSU, then FFS GET A NEW ONE!
Yes I get over 60 when I'm not shooting and stuff but in action I get 40-45 fps

I think my AGP x4 is a bottleneck.....
MaxiKana said:
If your that guy with the 220W PSU, then FFS GET A NEW ONE!

If I get a new one and no performence boost..... there I lost my money.

Edit: I have read that many people makes mistake when buying a psu, thinking it will fix their problems when it doesn't. Thats why I'm unsure if its really it.
Holy crap, a 220 W PSU for that setup? I'm surprised it's running.

Did you skimp on fans as well because of "no performence boost"?
Last year I bought this comp for a big buck(in like a normal store), it was one of the best comp last year. When I got the comp it had:

3.06 Ghz
512 Mb RAM
9700 NP
and yes 220w

Only thing that has changed is my graphic card and that I added 512 mb more RAM. So 220w seems like its enough since I've been running on it for over a year.
Nex321 said:
How much fps do you get in CS:S on res 1600x1200 with highest settings with 6 AA and 16 AF? I am getting an avarenge of 40 with this comp:

x800 xt pe
3.06 Ghz
1024 Mb RAM

I just want to see if I'm getting what I should

Don't feel bad. I got an average of 20-30 with 1024x768, minimum graphics and no AA or AF. X800, AMD64, 1GB ram and so on.
Cybernoid said:
Don't feel bad. I got an average of 20-30 with 1024x768, minimum graphics and no AA or AF. X800, AMD64, 1GB ram and so on.

Seriously, borrow a psu from somewhere, it has got to be it! that X800 eats some serious power compared to the 9700. And as everyone has said, AGP4x IS NOT your bottleneck.

AMD 2700+
1 GB DDR 333
nVidia Geforce4 Ti 4600


Usually about 40+ fps, and that is with all but AA on.
(Filtering is set to trilinear).
Pibborando San said:
Heh, just becuse the X800 XT is the fastest card out there right now doesn't mean it's like an "almighty superbeing". You expect it to be a bazillion (yes a bazillion) times better than the previous generation?
But of course, soon the X850 will come out (oh yes, 512MB graphics card baby) and you'll really see a performance boost.


well i think 2 to 3 times better then last generation cards a pretty huge performance boost :O

i dont think ull see that much increase with the 512mb version
I have an ATI X800XT and I play CS:S with 1280x960 settings with 4xAA and 8xAF and everything on high. In most servers I usually get 60-85 FPS (V-Sync On) and really big servers with like 36 people on I usually get around 50-70 and in really big fire fights it will drop down to 40. In the stress test with those same settings above I get 70 FPS. My specs are:
AMD Athlon 64 3200+
1GB PC3200 RAM
You'd be surprised how crappy the 4.8s are. I got 115 on the VST with my x800 XT PE and now strangly I'm getting 70 fps. I'm waiting for the 4.9s and then if those don't work, I"m going down.
Dark Auro said:
I have an ATI X800XT and I play CS:S with 1280x960 settings with 4xAA and 8xAF and everything on high. In most servers I usually get 60-85 FPS (V-Sync On) and really big servers with like 36 people on I usually get around 50-70 and in really big fire fights it will drop down to 40. In the stress test with those same settings above I get 70 FPS. My specs are:
AMD Athlon 64 3200+
1GB PC3200 RAM

What do you get on res 1600x1200 with 16 AF and 6 AA??
ok I tried the same settings as you and getting 40-70 fps.... Ok I'll definitly change my mobo and PSU!!

Change your PSU first. Since it's more likely to be at fault. If you change your mobo you will get a few more fps then with your old one, but unless you really want those few FPSs more I wouldn't bother, since you have to reformat after getting a new motherboard.
What about this psu?

Hiper PSU. ATX 525W HPU-3S525 Triple Fan, Silent, PFC

Allso can anyone tell me a good mobo that has x8 AGP and good at overclocking?(I want a good mobo)

My current is the crappy i845GE

After the upgrade if I don't get any differences who shall I sue?
Nex321 said:
What do you get on res 1600x1200 with 16 AF and 6 AA??
I don't know. I haven't tried those settings yet. I might later. I think it looks great at 1280x960 with the 4xAA. I think 6xAA at 1600x1200 is a bit over doing it. By the way, I also have a 430w power supply. About the new motherboard you want to get, what kind of processor do you have now or if your getting a new one. If you get an AMD Athlon 64 I would get the ASUS KV8 Deluxe SE mothboard, that is what I have and it's very stable. Haven't had any problems with it.
I have a P4 3.06 Ghz. I want to overclock it to 3.4 Ghz.

Allso in 20 man server I get 30-60 fps on the same settings as you so I really hope that a psu and motherboard will fix that problem.

well i just purchased the counter-strike package through source and it comes with cs:s, im dling it right now, but how much fps will my system get:

2.6 gigs with ht tech
512 ddr ram
ati radeon 9600xt
guess4762remix said:
well i just purchased the counter-strike package through source and it comes with cs:s, im dling it right now, but how much fps will my system get:

2.6 gigs with ht tech
512 ddr ram
ati radeon 9600xt

my comp is similar spec to yours and i play with 1024x768 with 4xaf and 4xaa and i get a very playable frame rate i would love to tell you exactly what that is but i cant get the console up in order to get FPS on screen, ~ doesnt work like it does in other games (not for me at least). I can tell you that i get 45FPS on the stress test though.
sorry i cant be more helpful.
to get the console up n running, u have to enable developer console in keyboard settings :),

as for me im getting about 35 fps. playable. thanks for the info.
I get 34FPS with 1024x768 with max settings w/Radeon 9800 Pro. Then again, I don't like AA at all(I see it an un-needed system hog), so I will probably be playing around 60 FPS.
is the x800 xt platinum, the same as the asus x800 xt? or is there some kind of difference?
if you're talkin about AGP, i think they are the same, although, the PCI-Express has both. i think...
My system specs are:

Pentium 4 3000 mhz
1024 ddr-ram 400mhz
msi neo 2 motherboard
asus x800 xt platinum

I did the stess test

4x AA
8x anastr
everything on high

I get a frame rate of 90
why didn't you do 6xAA and 16xAF? Sounds like you could afford it to me.
Stress test:

@ 1024 x 768 (Lousy monitor, f**** up my eyes at higher res)
high high high high high high high ..


= 82fps
Im running an ASUS p4te mobo
Pentium 4 1.81
512 samsung rdram
nvidea pny 4600ti

I get 52.97 fps on the stress test
I get between 30-60 fps ingame, 30 during big gunfight........

Not going to upgrade until the new form factor is out, pci xpress gets bigger and pci xpress cards become more vamp. My pc works just fine for me. I will get some more ram........

In game I run AA-off AF-off and everthing else high......AA and Af dont really do anything for me.....Monitor is set as 1024x768
Did I just read people suggesting REPLACING THE POWER SUPPLY as a method to getting more frames-per-second?


Do you people know how a computer actually works?!

Yes, a 220w power supply is pretty low for that system, but a 500w power supply won't give him a single additional frame per second. The clock isn't scaling down to accomodate the power supply. The power supply will do what it's name implies -- supply a (relatively) steady amount of amperage and voltage to the various components of the machine -- until too much wattage is demanded. At that point, the machine will either go to power off, blow the fuse, blow the caps (if they're cheap caps, and this has happend to me) or reset the machine. However, until such a "overdraw" is requested, the PSU will supply the same amount of steady power to the rails. The clock isn't going to slow down because it thinks a 220w PSU isn't enough.

An average of 40FPS @ 1600x1800 with AA/AF maxed is amazingly good. If you're concerned there's a bottleneck, I would examine several things:

1) You may have reached the max processing power of your Pentium. In fact, this is the most likely scenario. The most awesome video card in the world is going to just sit there and wait if the CPU can't feed it data fast enough. The video card, in and of its self, will not make you render any faster if the CPU is already spitting out data as fast as it can.

2) Memory: What KIND of memory do you have? How is it tuned? What are the settings? On any given system, after CPU, memory will be the most common bottleneck, either from a shortage causing a disk swap or from slow or poorly-timed memory. Since most memory now is BIOS-ready (you plug it in, and the BIOS handled the settings), odds are your settings are correct, and a gig is more than enough.

3) Drivers. Using the latest? Are you setting your ATI CATS to performance or quality? It makes a lot of difference. Quality looks sweet, but you take a framerate hit.

4) Anything else eating CPU cycles? Sure you're spyware free? It's rare that someone accumulates so many parasites on their PC that it slows down gaming performance, but if your idee fixx is FPS, then you'll want to make totally sure you're not hosting a bunch of little busy-bodies on your PC.

5) Are the people whose rates you're comparing running the same settings? Are they over-clocking? Are you comparing apples to oranges?

What about the motherboard?

Well, motherboards differ from manufacturer to manufacturer, but on a given chipset, at a given frequency, there's RARELY a performance difference of any observable difference. The main differences in motherboards will usually be in terms of stability and features. Unless you're changing chipsets, it's incredibly unlikely changing to another motherboard manufacturer will give you a solid performance boost.

Just for reference, I get a steady 45FPS in high combat areas running an XP 2700 Barton, 1 gig DDR Corsair memory in matched sticks with optimal tunings and an ATI 9700pro reference card on an ASUS Nforce2 MB. I'm running at 1024x780 2AA/AF, performance settings. On the stress test, with the same settings, I got an 86. So your results, given that you are at 1600x1200 and full AA/AF, don't sound too far off. You're generating about 15% more CPU cycles and your card has roughly double the processing power of mine. If there's anything bottlenecking your machine, it's going to be your CPU.

Just as a NB, I've worked with computers since 1980 and I'll tell you this: throwing hardware at a problem before you fully understand what's causing it is a waste of your time and money. Look at your results, check all the software stuff first, and then if you find there's a bottleneck, replace that component. However, I would replace the PSU as it's a system crash waiting to happen.

There, you just got $500 worth of advice gratis -- who says there's no free lunch?
StukaFox said:
Do you people know how a computer actually works?!

Ok, so the PSU isn't gonna be the cause, but if you don't know how a GPU works, then thats not an unreasonable assumption, it hardly precludes people from knowing how a computer works.

As a point of interest, the rest of your post was useful and correct, and if it wasn't for that first bit, I would now hold you in higher regard than I did before (Not saying that I had a low regard of you before) but as it is, at best, your post leaves me with a neutral opinion of you.
Link said:
As a point of interest, the rest of your post was useful and correct, and if it wasn't for that first bit, I would now hold you in higher regard than I did before (Not saying that I had a low regard of you before) but as it is, at best, your post leaves me with a neutral opinion of you.


I spent 20 minutes of my time trying to help a total stranger with a problem on a friggen web forum, with no expectation of anything but maybe a thanks, and you're gonna act all high-and-mighty about one line?

In short: When you're watching someone contribute helpfully in a forum, it's bad form to suddenly jump up, unsolicited, and yell "THAT'S ALL WELL-AND-GOOD, BUT YOU'RE NOT SUPPOSED TO WEAR WHITE AFTER LABOR DAY!"