Thousands of Dolphins block Somali Pirates


May 5, 2004
Reaction score
I suspect Aquaman

Thousands of dolphins blocked the suspected Somali pirate ships when they were trying to attack Chinese merchant ships passing the Gulf of Aden, the China Radio International reported on Monday.

The Chinese merchant ships escorted by a China's fleet sailed on the Gulf of Aden when they met some suspected pirate ships. Thousands of dolphins suddenly leaped out of water between pirates and merchants when the pirate ships headed for the China's.

The suspected pirates ships stopped and then turned away. The pirates could only lament their littleness befor the vast number of dolphins. The spectacular scene continued for a while


lol engrish ..I also suspect chinese communist propaganda

"even the dolphins leap to our great nation's defense"

And the Japanese come swooping in, cutting between both groups chasing after the dolphins with knives and chopsticks in hand.
cuz they might throw me in one of those labor camps you see on PBS? YA GOOD LUCK CATCHING ME IN CANADA
You'll be extradited!

we dont have an extradition treaty with china. certainly not when it's a captial offense (firing squad for visiting an offical chinese website - they're kinda strict/crazy that way)
Dolphins obviously don't like the smell of Somali pirates. And I don't blame them.
lol engrish ..I also suspect chinese communist propaganda

"even the dolphins leap to our great nation's defense"

Seconded. Sounds really lame too , dolphins don't block stuff off they use their hidden ray guns everyone know that.
I'm kind of noticing how the camera is on the same side as the pirates.

I call bullshit, a photographer took photo's of a pod of dolphins and the imaginative employees of China-Prop did the rest.

Nope. THAT cargo ship was the pirates' ship. Considering the size of that ship, there could be, beneath the deck, several F-16s, ten apaches, hundreds of tomahawk missiles and a legion of one thousand pirate soldiers.
Well in that case bbson the dolphins are swimming towards the Chinese which means the dolphins had actually allied themselves with the pirates against [strike] the greater good[/strike] communism.
Nope. THAT cargo ship was the pirates' ship. Considering the size of that ship, there could be, beneath the deck, several F-16s, ten apaches, hundreds of tomahawk missiles and a legion of one thousand pirate soldiers.

are you serious? I've seen better armed street thugs



I'm surprised they're not using muskets. You've been drinking too much Chinese koolaid/propaganda
It makes me really sad that this story is fake.
I know the pic is decieving but the french commandos in that photo are NOT surrendering, the pirates are
I like how supposedly the dolphins were the ones to save the day, not the Chinese military ships escorting the merchants.
are you serious? I've seen better armed street thugs



I'm surprised they're not using muskets. You've been drinking too much Chinese koolaid/propaganda

"they are scared away easily but they will return in great er numbers!"
the dolphins could hear the spirit of mao who asked them to protect the ship in the name of the party of the people of china

and the dolphins gave theyr lives just like how every citizen should!

join the peoples liberation army!
Once again those pirates got themselves in a fishy situation ...
to easy ?

Once again those pirates got themselves in a fishy situation ...
to easy ?


well dolphins are not fish so ...unless there were tuna swimming amongst which seems to be the case as they often end up in nets together. moral of story: dont eat tuna and you fail at spotting mammals :E
operation dolphin shield has commenced.
well dolphins are not fish so ...unless there were tuna swimming amongst which seems to be the case as they often end up in nets together. moral of story: dont eat tuna and you fail at spotting mammals :E
All things in sea are fish in some way or another in my book.
I dont really have a book, but stilll...
