THQ back to Red Faction....?

Red Faction 1 was good. Red Faction 2 on the other hand was an experience in sifting through shite. Still, I'll look forward to what they have planned for RF3.
Hope it's for Wii. That would be cool. :E

Mind you, I always hope games are for Wii. Means I have less to tempt me towards a 360. I just don't have the money. :laugh:
FPS on the Wii, so far, have been crap.
Red Faction, great game, great multiplayer with my brother. Red Faction 2...meh.
This is great news I really liked the first Red Faction. The question is, if they are going to make a sequel is the story going to pick up right where the first one ended or is it going to be a sequel to RF2:( ? I really hope it's the former.

PS: And the story better damn well take place on MARS!
The original was great, loved it. The second was one of the worst FPS games I've ever played to completion (and that's not saying much, I remember it being about 3-4 hours).

A third game in the same spirit of the original on next generation consoles would be godly.
The Red Faction games just own. Geo Mod is the best. Period.
Red Faction has been confirmed to have a sequel!

"We've got Saints Row which was launched recently, this [fiscal] year, Red Faction from a few years back which you'll be seeing in the future as a sequel, Stuntman scheduled for fiscal '08, Juiced, which is a racing title, MX, which is an off-road racing title, and Destroy All Humans! as well," Zinser said. "All launched over the past several years [and sold] a million units-plus, and all titles we believe have sequel potential for the future."

Though the games haven't broken into the million-selling club just yet, Zinser also named Company of Heroes and the upcoming Frontlines: Fuel of War as strong owned properties, telling the audience, "You should expect to see sequels on varying platforms--most of them multiplatform--probably on an every-other-year kind of timeframe over the cycle."

Woot springs to mind :D


See I really liked RF 1, but RF 2 sucked so badly I never got passed the first mission.
Red faction 2 was horrrrrendous! I tried to force myself to play it on numerous occasions, hoping it would get better. I even picked it up again 4 months ago, after the first level I said screw it.

Red Faction 1 was kick ass though!
Yeah, Red Faction 1 was so awesome, I hope I can find my CD. :/

Red Faction 2.. disgusting.
I can't believe they got Lance Henrikson in on RF2. What a waste, he's awesome.
*holds up bill-board*

Free Sex if RF3 Release NOW!
"Just you and me miner!" "No don't shoot! I'm unarmed." *bang bang*:laugh:
Oh god, I remember me and my friend would go back to my house every day after school in elementary, and make giant tunnel networks in RF1.

Oh god, I remember me and my friend would go back to my house every day after school in elementary, and make giant tunnel networks in RF1.


I remember doing that too many times....

One thing I really enjoyed once was there's a level with destructible pillars...I hit the top with a rocket launcher, dropped inside and then started eliminating people with the rail-gun until I ran out of ammo.

RF1 was just so much fun! Gameplay = Win!