Thread title


Sep 14, 2003
Reaction score
Can someone explain something to me. I have used the search function and found nothing on this matter. Why are some thread titles in bold?? This has been bugging me since I joined about a year ago.

Can someone explain please?
For some reason, ever since the forums were 'upgraded' yesterday or whenever, the site doesn't refresh when I hit the back button like it used to... AND, when I post in a thread, it counts it as a new post that I haven't viewed... so I'm getting bold titles all over the place now and I have to actually hit the refresh button, or, in the case of me posting, click on the damn thread again and then go back and hit refresh! Tragedy! Not to mention the loss of /me stuff! Some upgrade! :flame:
Aw, don't worry.

I'm posting here. That should keep those tideys extra white! ;)
Letters said:
For some reason, ever since the forums were 'upgraded' yesterday or whenever, the site doesn't refresh when I hit the back button like it used to... AND, when I post in a thread, it counts it as a new post that I haven't viewed... so I'm getting bold titles all over the place now and I have to actually hit the refresh button, or, in the case of me posting, click on the damn thread again and then go back and hit refresh! Tragedy! Not to mention the loss of /me stuff! Some upgrade! :flame:
I noticed that, too, Letters. Wish they would fix it ;(
Erestheux said:
I noticed that, too, Letters. Wish they would fix it ;(
meh the opening attachments in the same window is more annoying
The Dark Elf said:
meh the opening attachments in the same window is more annoying
True, but I already complained about that. :p
The Dark Elf said:
meh the opening attachments in the same window is more annoying

yeah.. that is extra annoying :hmph:
StarMonkey, please help!! :x
You have no idea as to the number of times I have closed a browser thinking the attachment came as a pop-up; only to find my desktop and no Internet window.

I have recently gotten into the habit of always right-clicking on hyperlinks to open them in a new window, but yes, the attatchment thing is a pain in the neck.

EDIT: The attatchment bug has made a fool of me again; and this is right after posting here too. :laugh: :angry:
jord said:
Bold is threads you haven't viewed?
Pendragon said:
You got it.

Yeah, I suspected that. Then I ran into that browser back issue that Letters mentioned and that threw me off track.

Thanks for clearing it up!

EDIT: Wait, then how come I went into a forum I have never been to befor (News & Announcements) and only 3 threads were in bold? (Probably something stupid I didn't think of but...?) :rolleyes:
If it's been like over an hour (or however long it is) since someone posted, it just goes away anyway. :P
Letters said:
For some reason, ever since the forums were 'upgraded' yesterday or whenever, the site doesn't refresh when I hit the back button like it used to... AND, when I post in a thread, it counts it as a new post that I haven't viewed... so I'm getting bold titles all over the place now and I have to actually hit the refresh button, or, in the case of me posting, click on the damn thread again and then go back and hit refresh! Tragedy! Not to mention the loss of /me stuff! Some upgrade! :flame:

nah. It just pisses me off.