Threads regarding P2P progs


Companion Cube
Feb 3, 2005
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Just noticed the thread in the OT section about P2P progs, and how it got closed down pretty sharpish by Chris. Now, I have no idea what got *snip*-ped, but last I heard most P2P progs had been declared totally legal in themselves, because they had lots of legal applications. After all that's why the RIAA started going after individual users instead of the progs themselves.

Unless people start posting links to copyrighted stuff, or actually discussing piracy then I think it should be perfectly fine to talk about p2p progs...? Referring someone to a certain piece of p2p software is no different to referring someone to a certain type of free firewall or spyware prog, as far asI can see.

Apologies if the *snip*-ped bits contained more than I realised.
or reffering them to any VCR/recordable DVD player - the fact that they are more often than not used for illiegal purposes (and yes in the UK storing a film you've recorded is illegal) is irrelivent:)
the_lone_wolf said:
or reffering them to any VCR/recordable DVD player - the fact that they are more often than not used for illiegal purposes (and yes in the UK storing a film you've recorded is illegal) is irrelivent:)

Well, legally, yes it is irrelevant. Unless like certain big business peeps you think that recordable DVD/CD drives should be banned.

Every comp these days gets sold with some kind of recordable drive. It's not like you gasp at the salesman and say "what do you think I am, a pirate...!" This is a bit of a derailment.
Laivasse said:
Just noticed the thread in the OT section about P2P progs, and how it got closed down pretty sharpish by Chris. Now, I have no idea what got *snip*-ped, but last I heard most P2P progs had been declared totally legal in themselves, because they had lots of legal applications. After all that's why the RIAA started going after individual users instead of the progs themselves.

Unless people start posting links to copyrighted stuff, or actually discussing piracy then I think it should be perfectly fine to talk about p2p progs...? Referring someone to a certain piece of p2p software is no different to referring someone to a certain type of free firewall or spyware prog, as far asI can see.

Apologies if the *snip*-ped bits contained more than I realised.
There's hardly ever a P2P conversation goes on without it turning into a flame war or people linking to warez sites, even if its totally innocent thread, people will link to things they shouldn't, and its just so much easier to close the thread than police it 24/7 checking for illegal links.. even if your linking to a legal file, you can bet your life there's tons of illegal stuff on the same link. So he did right to close it.
The Dark Elf said:
There's hardly ever a P2P conversation goes on without it turning into a flame war or people linking to warez sites, even if its totally innocent thread, people will link to things they shouldn't, and its just so much easier to close the thread than police it 24/7 checking for illegal links.. even if your linking to a legal file, you can bet your life there's tons of illegal stuff on the same link. So he did right to close it.

*shrug* Fair enough. It just seemed a bit harsh when I got the impression that all talk of p2p was off limits, esp if the thread was only going to discuss the merits of different programs.
Laivasse said:
*shrug* Fair enough. It just seemed a bit harsh when I got the impression that all talk of p2p was off limits, esp if the thread was only going to discuss the merits of different programs.
Yeah, I was going to start a thread on this too, but I couldn't be bothered :P.

I suppose if they posted links to illegal sites then it's fair enough to close it.
Feel free to discuss P2P programs. Unfortuntly they are mostly used for illegal sharing of copyrighted material which of course we don't allow glorification of. I don't know what was edited from the posts but start a fresh thread and we'll see where it goes.
Let's be honest here, how many people actually use P2P file sharing programs for legal sharing? Very few. Why? Because most legitimate files like music samples, game demos etc. are distributed on mainstream sites.

Whatever anyway, if another one gets started up it'll just be information for everyone on where to download all the latest games and movies people want.
Yeah, sorry about posting names for P2P programs anyway :upstare:, for some odd reason the illegal side of it didn't cross my mind. Just goes to show how little I think about the record companies when I download music :O
Chris_D said:
it'll just be information for everyone on where to download all the latest games and movies people want.
if you think it's at all difficult to find out how and where to do it you're incredibly naive :O
the_lone_wolf said:
if you think it's at all difficult to find out how and where to do it you're incredibly naive :O
How easy it is isn't the point, but by helping it shows the site in a bad light. Everyone knows how to make a bomb, but it doesn't mean this site should allow a thread about it. Everyone just about has seen tub girl, but it doesn't mean the site should allow pictures of it.
Regardless of the fact that P2P networks are used to trade illegal files/software, they themselves are not illegal and neither are the client programs used to connect to them. And I HAVE used BitTorrent to grab legal stuff before, like linux distros and game demos. :P
diluted said:
Regardless of the fact that P2P networks are used to trade illegal files/software, they themselves are not illegal and neither are the client programs used to connect to them. And I HAVE used BitTorrent to grab legal stuff before, like linux distros and game demos. :P

Exactly. In the same way that a thread about Nero, or about buying a good DVD-RW drive probably wouldn't be too controversial, I don't think P2P progs should be demonised. They can be an incredibly useful means of getting hold of freeware and small utility progs, which you'd otherwise waste lots of time browsing for. I can understand you don't want people posting dodgy material, but I don't think there's any case for saying the software shouldn't be discussed.

/hides under a table
Please don't hit me mr. moderator sirs :o