Thrill Killers

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I Hate Custom Titles
Sep 13, 2003
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Well... I was just watching A&E channel, and watching the documentary called "Teen Thrill Killers".

It was quite chilling to watch, including some real, violent footage, about the actions and investigations around Thrill Killings, including testomonies by friends and witnesses of the people, etc. Its just hard to imigine the randomness and frightening reality of it all, that these kids kill simply to see what its like, or for sport.. Seems the increase in teenage thrill killings has doubled in the past fifteen years. There were even cases back in the 1920's about all this.

They even had some stuff about "Wilding". Basically, a group of kids who would just travel in a pack and randomly and savagely beat up someone who was a complete stranger to them. THey had actual footage of the kids stomping on a 50 year old guy, slamming their feet into their head, etc. Some of the kids as young as 11.

Can you imigine, walking down the street, minding your own buisness, and have a car drive slowly behind you, then beside you and someone rolling down the window and shooting you in the head for fun? No purpose to it, just fun for them. Or perhaps walking home from school, or to a friends house, and encountering a group of teens hanging out that advance on you and start beating you to within an inch of your life for no reason whatsoever.

Just... chilling to think about. Sure as hell frightens me more than something like terroism, since at least that has some purpose to it. This thrill killing and wilding stuff, is completely random, and often for the sheer sport of it.

"Hey. I wonder what it feels like to kill somebody. There's someone over there, he's all alone. Lets to kill him"
How can you feel?
You'd have to be worried. Not so much about yourself, but about your family.
I don't know what I'd do if they did that to my brother or dad or someone I care about.
A few years back some kids ordered a pizza and killed a pizza man in order to find out what killing was like.

Kind of like the lord of the flies I suppose.
Send em to prison with all the pedophiles... let em get passed around.
This is going to be like road rage killing. In the 80's alot of people got killed because of road rage, so they made it punishable by death. It stopped. Same for this, if it gets out of hand, you kill someone, you get killed.

edit: It sounds like a damn good excuse to start big brotherin' all the city streets.
Blame video games or TV? Ridiculous! How about blaming the parents that purchase the games? Or the parents that don't educate children about guns and violence against other humans? We as a society seem to forget that being young means being innocent, until something becomes taboo, then we forget to EDUCATE the youth of our country about it. It is ludicrous for parents to keep secrets from their children about guns, sex, etc. It's the children of poor parenting that off one-another in record numbers, have STD's by the time they're 13 and are "wilding" people just to emulate games and TV. Kids that are raised in educated, open, honest and morally ethic homes do not promote extremely violent behavior. Sure, kids will be kids, but society has to stop treating kids with the "don't ask, don't tell" philosophy. If ignorant parents would stop leaving it up to everyone else to raise & discipline their children, then maybe they wouldn't seem so surprised when their kids are the ones committing these heinous crimes. If you aren't going to start education at home, don't bother having children. This country has enough problems without hellions adding to the already high crime rate. :flame:
Thank you for joining the forum strombergjenny, and reviving this old thread, good to see you are very passionate about this subject, are your nerves/temper a little edgy?
Blame video games or TV? Ridiculous! How about blaming the parents that purchase the games? Or the parents that don't educate children about guns and violence against other humans? We as a society seem to forget that being young means being innocent, until something becomes taboo, then we forget to EDUCATE the youth of our country about it. It is ludicrous for parents to keep secrets from their children about guns, sex, etc. It's the children of poor parenting that off one-another in record numbers, have STD's by the time they're 13 and are "wilding" people just to emulate games and TV. Kids that are raised in educated, open, honest and morally ethic homes do not promote extremely violent behavior. Sure, kids will be kids, but society has to stop treating kids with the "don't ask, don't tell" philosophy. If ignorant parents would stop leaving it up to everyone else to raise & discipline their children, then maybe they wouldn't seem so surprised when their kids are the ones committing these heinous crimes. If you aren't going to start education at home, don't bother having children. This country has enough problems without hellions adding to the already high crime rate. :flame:

Seems like the newbies are on a resurrection spree D:
Well if they've got something to contribute, it's as valuable now as it would have been back then. Seems like a sore topic?
I think this is the first time a thread of mine has been ressurected.

I win. I win the ENTIRE internet. Ante up.
Let the punishment fit the crime!

I completely agree with the "eye for an eye" theory. When we stop making excuses for everyone's behavior and start punishing people for committing crimes, the crime rate will go down and people (like the aforementioned teen thrill-killers) will not commit crimes because notoriety will be much less important to criminals than the idea of CONSEQUENCE. Think about how many more crimes have been committed and how many more people are in some form of corrections now than 10 or 20 years ago. People are so worried about who to blame for a criminal’s behavior, they seem to forget that a crime was committed in the first place. Stop blaming ethnic background, race, poverty, religion, sexual preference, or whether or not you were spanked as a child. Murder is murder. Rape is rape. Theft is theft. Breaking the law is just that, and it's sad that we live in a country that makes more laws to protect the criminals that are ruining people's quality of life instead of thinking up new ways to stop crime before it happens. Criminals are people too, but they are people with complete disregard to our country’s laws. Why? Because they know that somehow they can shorten their sentence or get some attorney to keep them out of prison. A slap on the wrist will not scare a murderer, an arsonist or a rapist. If the punishment fits the crime, the criminal may think twice about his next course of action. If you steal, you lose a finger or hand. That’s a constant reminder. If you rape, you get castrated, therefore never having the desire to rape again. It’s very simple. Arsonists get burned. Vandals lose their sight. If you kill, you get killed. Crimes get worse when punishment ceases to exist. Why do you think these kids are “thrill-killers” in the first place? They’ve never known consequences, so what’s to stop them now? :flame:
Revival ftl!

In this case...

in the case of truly epic threads its ok.

This, is not.

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