Throwing Cards! Yea!


The Freeman
Apr 16, 2005
Reaction score
I was at school on Thursday, very bored, and the kid beside me was throwing cards into the desk, I asked him how to do it, he showed me, and now I can cut paper in half with a card! IT'S FREAKING COOL! I can throw these things across the room and still give someone a paper cut.

Throwing cards = excellent pass-time!


Man, I wish I could throw them through watermelons like that one guy who can throw it into a watermelon.
You'll shoot your eye out! You'll shoot your eye out!

I heart xmas story.
It's one of those things that you gotta show... You can't really explain it.
Sorry xlucidx, I don't have a digital camera or camcorder. But, I drew this very crappy picture that should give you the basic idea.


Hold the card between your index finger and thumb, make sure you hold the card as shown. The card should be touching the bottom of your wrist, to throw it, throw it like you would a frisbee, for the first few times throw using just your wrist not your arm, once you get the card spinning in the air (Like a frisbee), then you should start using your arm to throw it harder and faster. Your hand needs to be in the way of the card until you let go so the card has no air resistance, if it has resistance it will wobble when you are moving it and it will not spin.

I don't know if thats any help, but it's the best I can do.
I once saw this TV episode of Ripley's Believe It or Not that featured a pro who threw cards. I aspire to become like him one day.
You can't kill someone with a card.

Mythbusters ftw.
You can kill someone with a card shaped like a gun.

My brain ftw.
Murray_H said:
You can kill someone with a card shaped like a gun.

My brain ftw.

Does it shoot spades, diamonds, clubs or hearts?
Can anyone here throw cards?

Did my awesome drawing help?
I know what you are talking about..... I can't do it however.
Whatever. Until you can charge cards with kinetic energy and make them explode on impact like Gambit I don't even wanna hear that noise.