Thundering to hell


Companion Cube
Oct 6, 2003
Reaction score
Well, over in orange county california, its thundering like shit.

Not just bad weather, its over in california man, thunder storms are rare things, and its not even raining, and its been thundering sense 6 pm, and its 12 am in the morning. A thunder storm this bad in california is not a good sign.
Mmmm heat lightning/thunder. Some of the most beautiful pictures come from those. Got those alot in Nebraska
Yargh matey, there be a storm o brewin to be sure! :cheers:
ktimekiller said:
Not just bad weather, its over in california man, thunder storms are rare things, and its not even raining, and its been thundering sense 6 pm, and its 12 am in the morning. A thunder storm this bad in california is not a good sign.
Umm... not really. Well, I guess without rain, yes, but there probably is rain, jsut not in your location. I get all thunderstorms all the time here, but me= bay area.
It's been thundering over here too. I don't like how its really, really hot, but it's raining like hell.
there must be a fight between Marissa and Ryan. laff.
xLostx said:
there must be a fight between Marissa and Ryan. laff.
i hope to god that new dean gets struck by lightning... all the kids in my school cheered when he got punched by Ryan... and yes, I go to a military school, and no, there were no girls watching the OC, only guys
Icarusintel said:
and yes, I go to a military school, and no, there were no girls watching the OC, only gays

Haha owned.

May or may not be true
Some words of caution: If you see a three-legged alien riding down a lightning bolt inside a d!ldo, then your all going to die in a rather cool fashion.
Have a nice day! :)
Just sneeze on the tripods.
"ZOMG j00 $aved teh daiz00r!!1!!1!"

Or better yet, try and get some decent photos of lightning, it sounds as though you rarely get a chance like this.
:O Omg it was so kewl
I live in so cal too and there was crazy lightning and thunder...

(Its amazing cuz i only get to see it like once a year...)
yeah I couldnt sleep last night,and my dog was so scared I guess thats why she fukin chewed on my 100$ headset >.<