Ticket Ratio?


The Freeman
Apr 16, 2005
Reaction score
Ok, I play Singleplayer All The Time, And I Just got some mods for 64 bots to play with me and I got the level to scale for the 64 players, everything is maxed out, levels and bots, but the ticket ratio is still 200 for each team, each game ends rather quickly, anyone know where the file is to edit the ticket ratio?

I want the ticket ratio to be ATLEAST 1000, that'll make the game last longer :)
I think you need server access to be able to do this?
No, there should be a file where I can edit the ticket ratio, there are files to edit bot numbers and map sizes (What I did) so I know there HAS to be ticket ratio editing!
I want the mods! Where can I get them?