Time Magazine review of "Revenge of the Sith": The Magic is Back...


May 9, 2004
Reaction score
...not that I thought it ever went away but here is the last paragraph:>

"In two weeks, lots of people will fill movie houses around the world to judge the latest and last Star Wars episode. True believes will debate and deliberate over each scene with the severity of a Jedi Council. The rest of us will breathe a sigh of relief that Lucas found the skill to make a grave and vigorous popular entertainment, a picture that regains and sustains the filimic Force he dreamed up a long time ago, in a movie industry that seems far, far away..."

Incidentally, the Time reviewer, Richard Corliss, disliked "The Phantom Menace" and was moderately (some would say grudgingly) positive about "Attack of the Clones".
Even though it sounds like good news, it's possible Lucas bribed the reviewer to be positive in their review. It happens all the time in any entertainment industry as a way to build hype.

I'll wait until Mr. Ebert gives his say. He's usually right on with his judgement.
A True Canadian said:
Even though it sounds like good news, it's possible Lucas bribed the reviewer to be positive in their review. It happens all the time in any entertainment industry as a way to build hype.

I'll wait until Mr. Ebert gives his say. He's usually right on with his judgement.

But you have to understand that Time Magazine ISN'T part of the entertainment industry but rather the journalism industry. It would be rather foolish for them to accept such a bribe as it would discredit them as an news organization. And to suggest that it "happens all the time" without any solid evidence isn't a good way to make your point.
But you have to understand that Time Magazine ISN'T part of the entertainment industry but rather the journalism industry. It would be rather foolish for them to accept such a bribe as it would discredit them as an news organization. And to suggest that it "happens all the time" without any solid evidence isn't a good way to make your point.

Good point.

I can't exactly prove bribery, as things like that wouldn't be made public anyway. :p But I have noticed that most reviews done weeks before a movie's release usually provide more praise than those that come later on. It may not exactly be bribery, but more likely sponsership. Lucasfilms providing an early review in exchange for the ability to market the movie through advertising in the magazine. Perhaps such a deal causes the reviewer to become more light-hearted in their judgement of the movie.

Wow, I sound paranoid today. :LOL:
Wow, I'm getting my hopes up with all of these EARLY reviews. >.>
Just have to waut what Mr.Ebert says, if that moron thinks this movie sucks then it probably means that it's great.
Between this and Smith's review, Ebert can shove it. :D

Not that I like reviewers in general, but I could write the things him and me have in common on a tic-tac.
Exept one the BBC world critic, of the show talking movies. He's very good, even if some movies he doesn't like, he knows what certain people would like it, and will explain the good and the bad qualities of a movie. He's goal is to actuall review a movie instead of trying to be funny or sound smart by beeing abnoxious.
Yeah, I do admire reviewers like that. Part of being a good reviewer is giving enough info about the movie to let people decide for themselves.
I'm pretty sure we can trust everybody's review on this forum, as there is not enough bribe money to go around.
It's gonna be PG-13 too! Maybe we will see a boobie or someone will say shit like 4 times. Awesome!
chu said:
It's gonna be PG-13 too! Maybe we will see a boobie or someone will say shit like 4 times. Awesome!
I wanna hear yoda tell someone to stfu... that would be awesome, especially if he did it to sidious right before their lightsaber duel (oh noes, spoliers!)
Icarusintel said:
I wanna hear yoda tell someone to stfu... that would be awesome, especially if he did it to sidious right before their lightsaber duel (oh noes, spoliers!)

PG-13 isn't really that huge of a deal.
It's only PG-13 for the extreme violence and dark nature of the movie.
well...when Time Magazine says good things about ur product, u know u did something special :thumbs: