Timmy Links: i have found religion

Lil' Timmy

Oct 14, 2003
Reaction score
ye, and it was good. you see, i never really got the whole religion thing.. i smugly thought it had to do with my skeptical logic, winning charm, and beautiful body that is toight like a toiger. however, it was all because i didn't get it in the right medium. specifically, i now understand the various and sundry and multifarious and legion and numerous regulations that define how i am to proceed with my life. in short, i get it now.

ok ok, i kid, i kid.. but seriously, i love this site.
"Timmy Links," you can't start a new title like that. You're just a nerdnews wannabe! BURN HIM AT THE STAKE!
Lil' Timmy said:
ye, and it was good. you see, i never really got the whole religion thing.. i smugly thought it had to do with my skeptical logic, winning charm, and beautiful body that is toight like a toiger. however, it was all because i didn't get it in the right medium. specifically, i now understand the various and sundry and multifarious and legion and numerous regulations that define how i am to proceed with my life. in short, i get it now.

ok ok, i kid, i kid.. but seriously, i love this site.

Pretty sad......That web site, but then again no one is willing to take the red pill and to see just how far the rabbit hole goes.
Shuzer said:
"Timmy Links," you can't start a new title like that. You're just a nerdnews wannabe! BURN HIM AT THE STAKE!
didn't you read the intro to my first 'Timmy Links'? nerdguy only wishes he could link like the timmy.. besides, i think "news" is his thing.. and this certainly is not news. but if you have a problem, we can take it outside. i'll give you a present for your trouble :devil:
I found that site hilarious, bookmarked it, and emailed the link to my Dad :)
Bad^Hat said:
Your dad likes lego? Cool...

who wouldn't with such products available like "THE YELLOW COW" and buying random religious lego stuff!! WEEEEEEEEEE
Spork said:
who wouldn't with such products available like "THE YELLOW COW" and buying random religious lego stuff!! WEEEEEEEEEE

Useless factoid: Your avatar hints towards your ambiguous homosexuality :)
roflmaolol , great to see you start with this Timmy Links, man! :D
dam I thought it was "Tiddlywinks" not Timmy links ...Timmy links makes me think of sausages (in a non-homersexual way) ....mmmm sausages :naughty:
Do not have sex with any kind of animal. You would become unclean by doing so. Any man who has sex with an animal, is certainly to be put to death. Put the animal to death as well. Neither should a woman present herself to an animal for sex. It is a perversion. If a woman approaches an animal to have sex with it, kill the woman and the animal. They are certainly to be put to death. Their blood is on their own heads.

CB | Para said:
Do not have sex with any kind of animal. You would become unclean by doing so. Any man who has sex with an animal, is certainly to be put to death. Put the animal to death as well. Neither should a woman present herself to an animal for sex. It is a perversion. If a woman approaches an animal to have sex with it, kill the woman and the animal. They are certainly to be put to death. Their blood is on their own heads.


You know whats worse is that God actualy had to tell people to not have sex with animals.
Yakuza said:
You know whats worse is that God actualy had to tell people to not have sex with animals.

lmao yakuza. i heart the bible and i heart legos. so great site. i should find the lord of the rings with legos site. really awesome.
CptStern said:
you heart the bible? how do you do that?
get with the program stern.. verbing words is teh cool. verbing weirds language. :thumbs:
Wow, where did they get all that cool lego? Man i've really lost touch...i stopped buying lego because it started coming with all the really specialised pieces instead of the old style build it brick by brick...oh and i guess it looked weird having someone my age buying it.
Cool. Well, I'm phasing...

(I think that's how it goes, doesn't it, Timmy?)
Brian Damage said:
Cool. Well, I'm phasing...

(I think that's how it goes, doesn't it, Timmy?)
no, you're conflating two different strips:

*consults the tomes*
Calvin: I like to verb words.
Hobbes: What?
Calvin: I take nouns and adjectives and use them as verbs. Remember when "access" was a thing? Now, it's something you do. It got verbed. Verbing weirds language.
Hobbes: Maybe we can eventually make language a complete impediment to understanding.

Calvin: "Hey Dad, know what I figured out? The meaning of words isn't a fixed thing! Any word can mean anything! By giving words new meanings, ordinary English can become an exclusionary code! Two generations can be divided by the same language! To that end, I'll be inventing new definitions for common words, so we'll be unable to communicate. Don't you think that's totally spam? It's lubricated! Well, I'm phasing."
Dad: "Marvy. Fab. Far out."
Ahhhh, thank you. I was going to go look it up, but I couldn't for the simple, overwhelming reason usually expressed as "CBA" :E ...
Yakuza said:
You know whats worse is that God actualy had to tell people to not have sex with animals.
Shame humans are animals, really. Looks like your mum is in for some eternal damnation! :P
Lil' Timmy said:
didn't you read the intro to my first 'Timmy Links'? nerdguy only wishes he could link like the timmy.. besides, i think "news" is his thing.. and this certainly is not news. but if you have a problem, we can take it outside. i'll give you a present for your trouble :devil:

Them's fightin' words where I come from!