Tip 1: Using Turrets To Your Advantage


Nov 18, 2004
Reaction score
In the Nova Prospect prison: After Alyx modifies the turrets to work for you and you use it to defend against the combine rush, pickup the turret and carry it facing away. I used it through the entire level (shoot it across the water section with your grav gun and pick it up when you get to the other side). It's a HUGE save on ammo, protects you from a lot of fire, and just a riot to use.

Anyone else do this?
i hate that part where you have to use them to defend yourself from a combine rush that comes from all 4 corners, i had to stack crates to get to the upper level (exploit)? so i could have combine coming from one place at the end of the hallway/ and one occasionally spawning in midair behind me
Ya I did the same thing. Anytime I found a turret I used it. I actually tried to see how many turrets I could take a long with me. Managed to get 3 or 4.
Hehe...I used all three, then hid in one of their lockers. Once the turrets were down whoever came in front of the locker got a head full of buckshot.
Eh, for that section, I used my own tactics. I used the manipulater to take all the boxes and barrels lying around and built up a large blockade in one of the entrances. Then I set the three turrets up in the three remaining corners close to the wall to keep them protected, but still able to shoot at the combine. Then I'd "aid" the turrets from the area containing the ammo crate. If they tossed a grenade, I'd use the manipulater and throw it right back, worked quite well.
I just bunkered in in the little room with the Ammo dump. I assigned two turrets to guard one entrance, and one turret to guard another. I helped out a bit with the SMG, but it was a miracle that they didn't toss any grenades!
I did the exact same thing as Joe (blockade one entrance, turret the other three), except I'm not fast enough to change to the manipulator and throw back grenades. It worked extremely well. None of the turrets got knocked down.

I tried to get to the upper level, but I couldn't quite make the jump the way I had it set up.

Really cool to hear about how different players use the physics to their advantage differently.
I blockaded three entrances... for some reason only about 10 or so soldiers attacked during the entire sequence. You realize that replaying it, you can grab the cabinets from the upstairs office. It makes the second try much easier, as a single file cabinet will block a whole entrance. Use the table for another, and an assortment of barrels and crates for the third. Use extra barrels to plug any gaps.