Tips for Flash Please!


The Freeman
Apr 16, 2005
Reaction score
I just got Macromedia Flash MX, and I've never used flash before, and I just want to know some tips, or huge suggestions, I only know how to make movies frame by frame, I know how to import videos/images, and I know how to use it's drawing program, but not much else, tips/suggestions/comments please, thanks.

Seriously, ANY suggestions.
learn javascript... actionscript is pretty much javascript + the flash DOM
You should dig in to the basics of Flash before you do anything, If it seems interesting go learn Actionscript, XML and the basics of HTML.
Flash is a great tool and you can do whatever with it and it's much fun too.

Flash MX is quiet old now so I suggest you should get your hands on Flash 8 Pro, they've made great improvements and other good stuff into it =)
Well... this is the only version I can get, because my friend (Who paid for it) burned it for me
You could always snag it from the internet or something ;)