Tis the season to be leaky.


Dec 22, 2004
Reaction score
It never rains but it pours. Not only have Rag Doll Kung Fu and Age Of Empires 3 leaked before release, the much anticipated F.E.A.R has now entered the wild 4 days before launch.

If I didn't know any better I'd think that publishing houses simply don't want to make any money.
Great. Should my inner ass go to the nearest torrent website and give it a download?
wow, not only is it out for free, it's out early... obviously developers and publishers need to be a bit more careful about these things, maybe they should force game reviewers to come to their place to review the games instead of giving them advance copies
You know what these threads do? They inform people that these games are leaked...
So you know what more people do? Download the games.. -_-

Oh yea, nice title XD
The publishers have seen fit to be lax in their security of the finished product but I must not convey news such as this in the fear (haha) of compounding the problem?

Perhaps if I'd provided links, or even hinted at the medium to use to procure the leak. Heck I didn't even mention the game's name in the title.
Xune said:
The publishers have seen fit to be lax in their security of the finished product but I must not convey news such as this in the fear (haha) of compounding the problem?

Perhaps if I'd provided links, or even hinted at the medium to use to procure the leak. Heck I didn't even mention the game's name in the title.
But if it weren't for this thread i wouldn't be searching torrent sites right now :|
(Even though that didn't prove the least bit successful :/)
oh man stop this threads please,

\search torrents
Ikerous said:
You know what these threads do? They inform people that these games are leaked...
So you know what more people do? Download the games.. -_-

Oh yea, nice title XD

Doesn't matter...they're going to find out one way or another..
Zeus said:
Doesn't matter...they're going to find out one way or another..
I wouldn't have known. Hell, I didn't even know FEAR was just days from being released.

Now I'm all excited to play it :)
Ikerous said:
I wouldn't have known. Hell, I didn't even know FEAR was just days from being released.

Now I'm all excited to play it :)
well, i must say, at least this one took longer than AOE III
A relative few people have access to these games, and even fewer that would have bought the games anyway. Yeah, it's a problem for the industry but not a HUGE problem.
If it can be made by humans, it can be undone by humans. No amount of software/security features can really stop people from pirating.

This isn't surprising like disturbed said... I don't see the point in everyone posting "FEAR leaked" "AOE3 leaked" RDKF leaked" etc etc... I mean it's a given that every game is going to get warez-ed...
Who do you think it is that leaks these? Dodgy unknown review websites that get sent a copy? Maybe beta testers? Although I thought beta testers got stuck in a room in the same building as the developers, so they might not get their own copy home.
DiSTuRbEd said:
Someone report him to the proper officials.

I've preordered it :P

In Europe release is on Oct 21, but I gotta get it before the 16th lol!!!!!!!!!!!!
StardogChampion said:
Who do you think it is that leaks these? Dodgy unknown review websites that get sent a copy? Maybe beta testers? Although I thought beta testers got stuck in a room in the same building as the developers, so they might not get their own copy home.

Actually a lot of times it's people who work at the publishing plants, sneak CD's home (I mean they are mass-producing so it can be easy to erm "misplace" a copy.. ya know?) and then they sell them to the release groups. Also some retailers probably already have copies (FEAR already got a few early bird releases in some other countries besides US, like Canada and a few European ones I think actually)....

There are just so many places where it can get leaked from.
I have the game preordered and I'm looking for it, but I don't see it out there.

EDIT: nm, found it.
I suspect that by the time it's uploaded the game will be out.
now all they need to do is leak cod2, quake4 & civ4 and i can push my large lan forward a few weeks.
Why the hell am I being informed of these leaks, I want to go and jump up and down on something squishy for a while.
Kyo said:
Why the hell am I being informed of these leaks, I want to go and jump up and down on something squishy for a while.

You should uhh, reword that sentance. Otherwise people are going to start unziping their pants.
auron said:
You should uhh, reword that sentance. Otherwise people are going to start unziping their pants.

Hmm. Sounds to me like we have a very dirty mind.

The gutter has grown too deep perhaps?

I always told people that porn was bad for your mind, but nooooo.

Ridding male genetalia was the last thing I was thinking of until I read your post.
Well I'd rather something squishy than say concrete. Jumping on concrete hurts.
auron said:
You should uhh, reword that sentance. Otherwise people are going to start unziping their pants.

Too late.
I have bought FEAR and will get it on tuesday... So downloading it would just be like getting it 4 days early. Although I may just wait it out.
Ikerous said:
You know what these threads do? They inform people that these games are leaked...
So you know what more people do? Download the games.. -_-

Oh yea, nice title XD

Yup, i wouldnt of checked if FEAR was warez cuz i was gunna buy it anyway, but now i know its out before release it makes me think twice... :/
Alig said:
Yup, i wouldnt of checked if FEAR was warez cuz i was gunna buy it anyway, but now i know its out before release it makes me think twice... :/

Same. I find nothing morally wrong about getting a game a few days before release if I already paid for it...

I highly doubt the dev's really care either considering I've paid my $$. Sure VUG probably doesn't like it but nuts to them.