Titanium eye transplant

eventually handicapped people will kill all the normals one day. start hording guns and ammo now!
I'm gettin' one of these! Goodbye, kidneys, I want a TITANIUM EYE!
I just want the bionic penis so that it never goes down for the count. i want to be 90 and still doing hot 18 yr old girls
A man is able to see his wife and kids after 17 years of partial blindess due to breakthrough titanium eye transplant surgery.

partial blindess due to breakthrough titanium eye transplant surgery.

We must stop these horrible scavenger practices!
Resistance is futile.

Oh and toaster's back? Thought she got hit by a bus or something.
I guess that explains the custom font.
I refuse, you're too inconsistent to be scary. Look at your sig
That is truly amazing, the guy immediately felt the difference.
I expected this guy to look exactly like Enzo from Reboot.
I started talking on all my aim clients with exclusively comic sans a few months ago, I refuse to go back.
Personally, I find the default fonts easiest to read.

That's why they are the default.

But I support yer' guise individuality. Er, unless you type in all red. That makes me RRRRAAAGEE.

Lol, I just realized that I followed BHC off the tracks.
So titanium is the cure for blindness..

It seems almost TOO simple..
Personally, I find the default fonts easiest to read.

That's why they are the default.

But I support yer' guise individuality. Er, unless you type in all red. That makes me RRRRAAAGEE.


it's girls...the always have to FUcKing Make aN aRt ouT of IT

god...it pisses me of cause i like use a pencil for everything and all my female classmates use like a ton of color, underline titles in weird ways, draw arrows and weird note marks...it makes it so much more difficult to copy their notes with a copy machine. :E