Title Crawl for Star Wars III

If you guys have accounts at digg.com (you should, one of the best news sites out there!) can you please digg the link so it gets to the front page? It's how the system works, run by the community.
If you bought the Star Wars Boxed DVD Set they showed a preview of it on the bonus disk :) cool to see them making a new darth vader suit! :D
When I read that I started laughing uncontrollably. They do take this Star Wars stuff way too seriously.
Maybe that's because they're supposed to?
It's George Lucas, he made Star Wars.
Of course he's going to take it seriously.
Exactly, Star Wars made him rich remember! It's like saying Bill Gates takes Windows too seriously!
This sounds familiar doesn't it? This time instead of Boba Fett kidnapping Han Solo, it's General Grievous kidnapping the Chancellor.

But I will give that title scroll credit. It's making my imagination soar with possibilities.
it seems like they get worse over time.....

anyways, good find :)
A True Canadian said:
This sounds familiar doesn't it? This time instead of Boba Fett kidnapping Han Solo, it's General Grievous kidnapping the Chancellor.

Except that Han Solo never turned out evil.
Is it in this movie that we're supposed to figure out that Palpatine is the Emperor?
The_Monkey said:
Is it in this movie that we're supposed to figure out that Palpatine is the Emperor?

That is, if you didn't already realise it six years ago. :)