

May 13, 2003
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any signs of civil unrest yet? titor said there would be at this election, that it would lead to civil war. i know it's probably a load of shite, but still, cant help but wonder :)
I heard a firecracker go off. Me is scared :eek:
if kerry wins he will raise taxes to 100% and the people will rebel, if bush wins he will repeal all civil liberties and the people will rebel. it's win-win baby!

you gotta wait for 2005 anyway onions..
Titor was bs after the 04 olympics went through without a hitch. Ugh. But still I guess they almost werent prepared but that wasent as catostrophic as titor predicted.
Sh4mp00 said:
Titor was bs after the 04 olympics went through without a hitch. Ugh. But still I guess they almost werent prepared but that wasent as catostrophic as titor predicted.
didn't titor just say that there wouldn't be any olympics after 2004?
Well, if we have a civil war, I guess I can start killing off my neighbors tonight.
I want in on this shotgun militia. Sounds like fun, and the sound of a 12 gauge gets me off.
we need all the fodde.. uh.. bodie.. uhh... "men" we can get, but it's tr0n's call.
Only if you can shoot a gun... :| but yes you can join. :thumbs:
Tr0n said:
Only if you can shoot a gun... :|

I am constantly shooting various pistols, rifles, and shotguns at my father's house. It's a lot of fun. :cheers:
Who'se Titor?... i thought this thread was about Fenrics Profile Picture when i opened it :eek:
regardless of his prediction, i forsee something happening if bush wins. i really do. there will be some sort of protests with the possibility of violence.
kaf11 said:
regardless of his prediction, i forsee something happening if bush wins. i really do. there will be some sort of protests with the possibility of violence.
...then a civil war.
Haven't you guys heard of the butterfly effect? The mere fact that Titor exists in our time could change the events he himself foretold :eek:
Parrot of doom said:
Has the internet taught you guys nothing? Its all a load of bollocks.
All in good fun my dear parrot. Polly want a cracker?
Omg, The Zombies! They're Everywhere!!

Titor sounds... like a naughty word.
Off course its bullshit.

a guy made a time machine then he travel to the future and come back to tell the past people (us) whats going to happen.

now that is such a bullshit, But I would love to see a movie based on that.
Gorgon said:
Off course its bullshit.

a guy made a time machine then he travel to the future and come back to tell the past people (us) whats going to happen.

now that is such a bullshit, But I would love to see a movie based on that.

No, he was from the future. He wasn't from our present time and went to the future. He was from the future and travelled back here.
What kind of a moron would want to come back to this time period?

That in itself, discredits him!
Its funny.....a co-worker said to me today " Either way you vote, theres gonna be a war," when I asked him if he was going to vote. He then said that he heard some fanatical american was gonna plant a bomb somewhere tomorrow or something, on the radio. I'm not too sure since I cant remember much. Throughout the day I started thinking about this supposed civil war after or during the election that titor predicted. He predicted us going into the middle east for a war. Who knows, time will tell.
I predict... that a president will be elected, and there will be much bitching! BELIEVE ME FOR IT IS TRUE!
P-Lo said:
Its funny.....a co-worker said to me today " Either way you vote, theres gonna be a war,"
did you inform your co-worker that there already is, in fact, a war happening?
The idea is that if enough people believe Titor, it will become true. We will make it true, and take our unrest to be divine prophecy.
Lil' Timmy said:
did you inform your co-worker that there already is, in fact, a war happening?

Of course he knew that. I meant to say a war within the US.