TLP: Shadows of Winter Update



Yet again, another promising update from the team at TLP. They have sent us a few renders of the Longsword, but there are actually four of them. In addition, they have sent a skinned model of the imbra creature. To learn more about The Lost Prophecies, click here.[br]

I'm having a hard time imagining that the imbra model isn't half-concept art. That's a good thing. The rest looks good too, I can only say that the imbra creature looks freaky, because if you look at the crotch(spare me the "omg perverted gay" comments, that was the last place I looked), it seems like the creature has ½ manhood. It might just be the shading that makes it look so bad, though. Or so they want it that way? Kinda disturbing if you ask me, but I guess you won't be looking there when fighting them(unless someone brings up the hilarious/incredibly stupid idea of making it a vulnerable point).
Is Phophecies meant to say Prophecies? Or have they named them Phophecies? :eek:
Great website, these guys seem to really be serious about making an unique total conversion. I have yet to see an implementation of melee combat in an FPS that doesn't end up as a bouncing / strafing / drive-by ridden mess (not saying that there isn't one, I just haven't seen it) so will definitely be watching this mod to see if they can get it right.
Nice one! I'm fairly sure we haven't changed our title (curse of the typo, I guess).

As for the genitalia on our Imbra model: I think it's the lighting because a Ken doll's more endowed than these buggers :p

Cask, we agree with your sentiment and believe we may have found a remedy for that awkward seizure-fest of fumbling combatants aimlessly strafing and bouncing about a map.
You mean renders... they wont look like that ingame. :(
Some_God said:
You mean renders... they wont look like that ingame. :(

But close, since those models will most likely be used to render normalmaps for the lower poly versions. As well as I think they'll stick with pretty high polycounts at least on the heroes, maybe the same polycount as the Alyx, Barney models have in HL2DM.

Man I can't wait to see that movie they've got stills of on the media pages on their site, it looks awsome.
We are aiming for the normal-map technique and plan to use those high-res models for references so here's to hoping we pull that off ;)

The 'movie' has been scrapped due to no longer using a graphically inferior engine (ala Dungeon Siege). This means that there won't be many (if any) FMV videos within the game.

Don't fret though: We're hoping to achieve a high level of cinema-quality aesthetics with SOURCE's in-game imagery and hope to deliver a graphically pleasing experience that doesn't pull the player from participation (e.g. game-play). Half-Life and its sequel accomplished this very well and we hope our product follows in its footsteps.
But close, since those models will most likely be used to render normalmaps for the lower poly versions.
Those models (excluding the character concept) are the "lower" poly versions. Those are what will be going in the game.
this is the oddest thing. there was also a jedi mod for d3 that had similar 2d/3d really badass model looking thingies.

how are these made so fast, is it basic 3d, or like a 2.5d drawing package, what is it?
I dunno...the character concept models on our website are about 3 years for Sir Phoenixx's speed with the weapons - sometimes it's scary how fast he can churn those models out.
Sir Phoenixx said:
Those models (excluding the character concept) are the "lower" poly versions. Those are what will be going in the game.

Yeah I know the weaponmodels are in-game models, I was merely referring to the character concept/highpoly models (the Imbra model in this case)