To all those who hate Half Life 2


Nov 25, 2004
Reaction score
Why don't you just sell the damn game if you don't like it?

I sold my copy and you don't see me moaning anymore.
uhh.. the game is useless to anyone who buys it unless you sell your steam acount too...
Odysseus said:
Why don't you just sell the damn game if you don't like it?

I sold my copy and you don't see me moaning anymore.

And yet here you are, moaning.
Wasn't this moron supposed to have left these forums already?

Good Lord - mods, please permanban this idiot.
Will you please stop making topics about this. Are you just trying to get more attention? Look, you sold your game, great for you. Whatever makes you happy alright, just stop making these worthless topics.

Also, making 5 topics about how you're going to sell the game because you don't like it, is pretty much equivalent to moaning or whining about it.
Sell Half-Life 2? Are you crazy? The mods are not even out yet.
Who are all these people that hate HL2?

And if you hate HL2, you're sure to love one of the thousands of mods that will be made for it :/
omg adysseus just shut up!?!?!
no-one cares about what you do...
Good job setting up obvious flamebait, Odysseus...
*slaps forhead*
why are you telling people what to do? Do you think they dont have a mind of their own?
Leave him alone and he'll go away. Damn crybabies.
If you hate the game so much, why are you still here? i'm actually sort of curious...
Odysseus said:
Why don't you just sell the damn game if you don't like it?

I sold my copy and you don't see me moaning anymore.

You're still moaning and why are you still here?