to all you bodybuilding freaks


Aug 6, 2004
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cottage cheese+bananas==mix==>mildly tasty protein snack
cock+cottage cheese==> cottage cheese on a cock
I usually just eat very big meals. And then at training sessions i use some kind of protein powder mixed with milk. Sometimes I add bananas for flawor.

Somtimes I add raw eggs for Rocky.
My mother used to trick me into drinking eggs as a child. She'd crack eggs into my orange juice so I wouldn't know.

I'm kind of upset that I consumed all these eggs (which I don't like) and yet I'm not the size of a barge as Disney would have people believe is the benefit.
You are going to turn into this guy I know who ate only cottage cheese+spinach+bananas+egg whites+occasionallychicken (not all mixed together...) every single day for at least a year. Stop now. Save yourself.
But... it's
Why do people think eating raw eggs is a good idea because they saw it in a movie? Eating raw eggs will give you food poisoning. Just throw them on the fryer for a min or two.
Becouse it's eggs.

Eaten raw.


Edit: Oh shit you can rate threads!
Protein shake = DONE.

My brother has done the egg thing. Disturbing.
Woah. Body builders on a video game forum?! Absurd.