To anyone past/at the driving/crane part (fps)...


Nov 7, 2004
Reaction score
I'm having some pretty bad frame rates at the area where you need to lift the buggy with the crane. I understand that this is a very large open area with lots of objects etc...but I wonder if my performance is a little too low.

I have a p4 3ghz, a gig of ram, and a 9800pro. I'm running all high details, 1024x768, no aa, and 2x af. vsync is on. 4.12 betas.

The IGN review system was only better by 200mhz and a gig of ram, had the same vid card. The reviewer stated that the game played flawlessly. This is either untrue...or I'm not performing as well as I should. The gig extra of ram isn't going to make the frame rate any better.

I'm talking single digit frames at this part, with ant lions and combine going nuts. Also, the gunship part was pretty slow. I wouldn't worry except that I see people talk about 80-120 fps on the newer cards and think I should at least be getting half that...and at lower resolution and no aa. Anyone with a similar system run smoothly at this part?
I have a system that is EXACTLY like yours, and I too am getting crappy framerates in that scene, among others. I've also experienced the effect in other games. If you crank your settings all the way down, is the framerate still low? It is for me. If you have a solution, please PM me the answer. Good luck!
i have a p4 2.4 runnin at 2.8, a 9800 non pro oc'd to pro speeds, and dual channel 2x25gmb of ram and i am doing fine at that level, just passed it in fact. stuck at the gunship now but gettin good rates there too.

at the same res as you, everything on high except shadow on low. and no af or aa on at all.
Hmm...might be the shadow detail? I want to keep vsync looks terrible off. I have fooled around with it and some scenes have the same fps with and without vsync...except that with it off the tearing is nasty. My fps here is seriously low, 20- with no enemies and much worse in a firefight. I find it hard to believe that this is 'normal.' I'm thinking something isn't right. I also seem to get fps drops in other areas that don't seem to make sense...small rooms on occasion etc.. I'll try turning off the af.
wow, my computer 2.2 p4 @ 2.4 and a radeon 9200 128 meg, 1gig ram, ran fine there, i have everything on but AA and that one thing is 16x and v sync is on, i am getting like 35 fps at 1024 x 768.. right there, and normally 50 everywhere else... i have the 4.11 drivers..

It's the water reflection that's doing it. Even on reflect world, in that scene, there's a lot of dynamic objects being reflected. Try disabling the water reflectivity altogether, and see if that improves your framerate. It worked like a charm for me.
Rose said:
It's the water reflection that's doing it. Even on reflect world, in that scene, there's a lot of dynamic objects being reflected. Try disabling the water reflectivity altogether, and see if that improves your framerate. It worked like a charm for me.
Worked great for me too! Went from incredibly choppy to downright okay. :)