To many Zombie movies


Jan 23, 2004
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A new zombie movie called land of the dead is coming out. Why so many?? I like scary movies but zombie movies are not scary, there all pretty much the same to me. I can't wait for silent hill. I like mysterious movies dealing with evil, not zombies but demons or something like demons. Zombies are getting pretty boring IMO.
bliink said:
Can never have too many zombie movies!

As long as they have short skirt + rubber boots girls with shotguns, I'm all for it!
dream431ca said:
A new zombie movie called land of the dead is coming out. Why so many?? I like scary movies but zombie movies are not scary, there all pretty much the same to me. I can't wait for silent hill. I like mysterious movies dealing with evil, not zombies but demons or something like demons. Zombies are getting pretty boring IMO.

Its by George know, the guy who practically created the genre of zombie movies.

And zombie movies aren't about being scary. They're either about:

A) Mass amounts of gore


B) Comments about our society and character development
Ive never seen in a zombie movie a zombie going to attack someone and they like..phoning for help.

Best "Zombie" movie - Dawn of the dead, new verosn.
Worse Zombie movie - House of the dead.
You should see the 1978 version, its better. The zombies may not look very...zombie like compared to today, but it definetly achieves both A) and B) of zombie movies.
I love zombie flicks but they all suck, dawn of the dead was good. The new one looks like total shit.
Ritz said:
I have, and I hate it.

Then your obviously a style over substance type person if you prefer the remake.
I find the original Dawn of the Dead far too long
And I think Land of the Dead looks like utter crap, but I'm pretty much alone with this sentiment
I <3 Zombie movies. The orginal DOTD was better then the remake by far, but I like both of them a lot. Can't wait for land of the dead, better be good /me shakes fist at romero
SHIPPI said:
You can never, ever have too many zombie movies. Ever.

The original DotD was way better than the new far.
The new one is like mainstreamed for today's generation.

I fear that Land of the Dead is going to be a flop...
For music it'll probably be rap or metal, for dialogue it'll use ebonics, for characters probably all stereotypes of todays youth. :(
People, its being written and directed by George A. Romero. Why would he ruin the legacy he has already created? He's not George Lucas. Granted, yes, it looks like there'll be more action than in the past Dead movies but does that matter? I've read the script, its good stuff.
i posted this in the other thread, but i figured i would post it here too:

I live in pittsburgh and on wednesday Romero is holding the premere of his latest film in the dead series "Land of the Dead." this is due to the fact that he lives in Pittsburgh, and the first two installments were shot in this area (ive been to the monroeville mall in which day of the dead was filmed). Quentin Tarantino, as well as other celebrities including Romero, Edgar Wright/Simon Pegg (from shaun of the dead), Tom Savini (ive already met Tom, talked to him for an hour, very cool guy) will be attending. Ill get as many pictures as possible and will probably make a thread about it, ill keep you guys posted.

edit: im with you on this one. i trust Romero to keep faithful to his previous work.

Ugh. I give up. I'll just wait till I'm proven right or wrong.
Best Zombie movies ever, Dawn of the dead (original) and 28 days later, nuff said. :E
I was talking to joule the other day about characters and between us, I think we guessed most of the characters....

Cool hero type guy, with blonde hair.

Beautiful woman, for love element.

Token black guy (Without doubt, has to be from the hood.)

Suit guy (Dennis Hopper) the guy that nobody likes and he dies in the end.

Child/Disabled person/Pregnant woman, holds up the group of survivors, and heroiclly decides to stay behind and die.

Techie/nerd to make some sort of tank or armoured car out of a toothpaste tube and an ice cream van.

Gun shop owner/Soldier/Police officer to be the trigger happy hard guy.
stemot said:
Then your obviously a style over substance type person if you prefer the remake.

Im a person who liked the new film and disliked the old one type person.... That might make me what you said, but I wouldnt have any idea has I have no clue what you ment.
Style: Flashy camera tricks, fancy lighting, MTV-type action

Substance: Plot, characters, atmosphere, mood.
DeusExMachinia said:
Style: Flashy camera tricks, fancy lighting, MTV-type action

Substance: Plot, characters, atmosphere, mood.

Hm, well I liked the characters, as for the plot.. its a zombie movie. There doesnt need to be a plot. The atmosphere was fantastic. Dont know what you mean by MTV-Type action, there was not really much action in the film, most of it was just a group of people dealing with it, the last bits of the film had some action I guess.

Cant say Im someone who likes style over substance, since I think the new verson of Dawn of the dead had both..
Harryz said:
George A. Romero > Everyone.


never too many zombie *cough*tv shows*cough* films..

the original DotD was better in certain respects and the remake is better in others.. if only the bad of both could be removed..

I'm not too sure about this Land of the Dead though..zombies with guns outside of a video game?

seems weird to me but then again I thought Batman Begins would completely suck and it turned out better than I thought it would

and BTW 28 Days Later IS NOT a zombie film..the people are ALIVE and "infected with rage"! but they are not undead flesh eating ghouls...its still a damn good movie though! ;)
Best zombie film ever=Shaun of the Dead. It's a romzomcom!
"Speculation as to the incedient being caused by rage infected monkeys has..."
T.H.C.138 said:

never too many zombie *cough*tv shows*cough* films..

the original DotD was better in certain respects and the remake is better in others.. if only the bad of both could be removed..

I'm not too sure about this Land of the Dead though..zombies with guns outside of a video game?

seems weird to me but then again I thought Batman Begins would completely suck and it turned out better than I thought it would

and BTW 28 Days Later IS NOT a zombie film..the people are ALIVE and "infected with rage"! but they are not undead flesh eating ghouls...its still a damn good movie though! ;)

Since when do the zombies have guns?
28 days later

- People where mindless
- Could take alot of punishment, since there blinded with rage, shooting them wouldnt work, unless it was in the brain, or cutting off limbs etc.
- Like to feed on human flesh.

No, they weren't zombies. They were just people with a rageful virus in them. Notice how they could still run.
I want hordes of shambling undead! None of this running around in packs nonsense.
Shaun Of The Dead was a fantastic movie.
DeusExMachinia said:
No, they weren't zombies. They were just people with a rageful virus in them. Notice how they could still run.

I said there zombielike, not zombies.

And yes Shaun of the dead was plain awesome and a more realistic view of what would happan with zombies (we would all go down the pub and have a jolly good time)
I just know even then they'd kick me out into the zombies for being underage. :(
OK, I have the special edition DVD of 28 Days later,and NOT ONCE do any of the infected eat ANYTHING, let alone flesh..

thats why around the end of the movie you see them dropping to the ground..they don't eat and they don't sleep..

probably becasue they are so pissed..I know that when I am pissed I have a hard time sleeping or eating...

although I might have to pop that disc in for a refresher!

anyways :cheers: to all the horror/gore hounds!!
They dont "eat" it so to speak, but they certainly chew, remember there main way of attacking was biting the yell out of people.
I had a dream 3 nights in a row once. Zombies invaded. The first night I surrvived, the second I was zombied but decided to help the survivours, the third I was zombied and ate the surrvivours.
no reason for bringing that up, the thread jsut reminded me of it.
yes ripping and tearing..but mostly beating people to death..the undead hunger, but the angry beat the shit out of people...

and I'm not sure if it was a different trailer for Land of the Dead (or some other flick entirely) but I could swear one of the zombies had a gun held as though "it" knew how to shoot...
Don`t get me wrong, I did enjoy the remake of DOTD, it was much better than people where giving it credit for, but, I didn`t like the fact they put in fast zombies because 28 Days Later`s monsters ran and looked cool, like it`s been said, they weren`t zombies, so why make zombies run fast, they are rotting, makes no sense.
didn`t like the fella and his pregnant wife, the film coulda done without them.
The voilence was better in the remake too, the bit when he blew the gun shop blokes head in half was good.

The original gave you sense of what the world was like outside of the shopping mall and the town it was in, like the whole world had been messed up, the remake never really gave me that impression.
The characters in the original were also better