To Put Holes Into Corpses



Does anyone know any way to shoot holes into corpses? For example, in FarCry, when you shoot someone, it makes a hole in their body. After their dead, you can see where you hit them and killed them. This is the same in Half Life 2, but unfortunately, you can not put any more holes into them after they are dead. This is one thing I enjoyed about FarCry which was shooting holes into an already dead mercenary. Is there some console command that allows this sort of action?
Your Evil. Sorry Dont Think It Can Be Done, Why Anyway? Standing Around Shooting Holes In Bodys????
Can't be done and that's a blessing since that's a pretty sick idea anyway.
There were times in games like Perfect Dark or Halo where, after slaughtering a whole corridor of guards/Covenant, I'd like to shoot/hit the bodies and make the scene look a little more violent. Spray the room with bullet fire, move bodies with grenades, etc. I don't know why, it entertained me. (And no, I'm not a morbid bastard)

What I've always wanted to see in a game is a good use of 'body-hits-wall-and-slides-down-revealing-trail-of-blood' - I never see that. >:{
Whats with the captitals at the start of every word?

Is it really that important to shoot through people?

Just use the gravity gun and a spear to stick people together...

pervert... :rolleyes:
TheBleeding said:
There were times in games like Perfect Dark or Halo where, after slaughtering a whole corridor of guards/Covenant, I'd like to shoot/hit the bodies and make the scene look a little more violent. Spray the room with bullet fire, move bodies with grenades, etc. I don't know why, it entertained me. (And no, I'm not a morbid bastard)

What I've always wanted to see in a game is a good use of 'body-hits-wall-and-slides-down-revealing-trail-of-blood' - I never see that. >:{
Blood ftw. Gore is stupid though. But I do have fun with blood.
Yes, every game should have the feature 'shoot holes in corpses'. What?

Seriously, who gives a shit?
Sod shooting holes in dead bodies, I used to smash 'em to pieces. That was a holdover from back in the Quake 2 days when Medics would revive dead monsters and I had to stop that. You can't revive a pile of gibs now, can you?
Thats sadistic. The thread maker.
I don't think any of you guys understand the importance of love holes.

Wait, forget I said that.
Jack Thompson would say that pretending to kill people in games is evil and sick. So it makes me wonder when you guys say pretending to shoot holes into dead people is evil or sick...
I find it funny that people are complaining about shooting holes into a dead body, with blatant disregard for how that body appeared. From thin air perhaps? The act of 'killing' a virtual character is far worse than putting a few extra holes into its corpse, in my opinion.
Axyon said:
I find it funny that people are complaining about shooting holes into a dead body, with blatant disregard for how that body appeared. From thin air perhaps? The act of 'killing' a virtual character is far worse than putting a few extra holes into its corpse, in my opinion.
It's because we're used to the killing part (not in real life mind you)... but the random mutilation of the body is not something we're used to doing in games and thus we still find it a bit gross.
Come on! Take it easy! It's a game, no one is disturbed for messing around with a corpse in a video game!
What the hell is up with you guys? I agree with him. Why can't you shoot more holes into corpses?
It's more realistic. I like it. I also don't like games moving back in innovation. From FarCry I would think that shooting holes in corpses will become a mainstream in games.. WRONG Half Life 2 doesn't and Doom 3 didn't even have corpses that didn't disappear. How would you feel if the next big-time shooter got rid of rag-doll physics. I mean, sure it's not that big of a deal, but why would you want it gone? And please stop flaming me, you don't like my ideas you can leave my thread.
I was pretty pissed off at the fact that you can't mutilate bodies with your crowbar instead you just make hole in the gorund under the body. That and the fact that everything clips through corpses.
(sigh) Everyone miss the days of Quake 3 Arena, where a good gibby splatty frag would leave a big satisfying bloody mess afterwards? Yeah, so do I.
Some people need to be less sensitive. "OMG putting holes in corpses is do depraved and sickening!".

Lighten up, people. I honestly couldn't care if such a feature was implemented or not, but let's not get so touchy, m'kay?

Spectre01 said:
I was pretty pissed off at the fact that you can't mutilate bodies with your crowbar instead you just make hole in the gorund under the body. That and the fact that everything clips through corpses.

You can change this with a console command.
I find it funny that people are complaining about shooting holes into a dead body, with blatant disregard for how that body appeared. From thin air perhaps? The act of 'killing' a virtual character is far worse than putting a few extra holes into its corpse, in my opinion.

For me, it's not that it's sickening or anything. It's just, what's the point? It doesn't add anything to gameplay. It doesn't help the pace, the storyline, it wouldn't make me look better upon the game. It's just not the kind of feature it seems worth bothering about.
Like the extra little detail that was put into a game that they didn't have to do?
But it's a pointless detail. Personally when I saw you could shoot holes in bodies in Far Cry, I didn't go 'wow, what great detail they've put in! This really makes the experience more immersive and interesting!' I thought 'Well, that's great'. And then I moved on to marvelling at the little details that actually did add something, like the fish and stuff.
Sulkdodds said:
But it's a pointless detail. Personally when I saw you could shoot holes in bodies in Far Cry, I didn't go 'wow, what great detail they've put in! This really makes the experience more immersive and interesting!' I thought 'Well, that's great'. And then I moved on to marvelling at the little details that actually did add something, like the fish and stuff.
I was actually quoting Mark Laidlaw from my PCG. And what did Lamarr add to the story? AFAIK she was just a necessity
for the teleporter incident
And what did Lamarr add to the story?

Comedy, kooky personality and some more depth to Barney and Kleiner's characters. :O
Well you got me there. I'm really wondering how Captain Vance would've worked out though (Alyx' should-be dad, before Eli).
And what did Lamarr add to the story? AFAIK she was just a necessity

Go play the first chapter again and tell me that Lamarr didn't have shit to due with the story. H es the whole reason the teleported ****ed up and gordon teleported by breen, which let breen know gordon is around, which why the combine went after gordon, which is also the reason for the FIRST FEW CHAPTERS TRYING TO GET TO ELI'S LAB CUZ THE DAMN TELEPORTER MESSED UP.

Lamarr is responsible for sooo much shit it's not even funny.
Damn da headcrabs!
The guy was asking a legitimate question, a question I asked actually a while before but got no answer to. He didn't need anyone's high horse.

I'm sure it has something to do with decal count, and BTW most of stuff that is asked here and is replied "not possible" can be worked from my experience.
Sulkdodds said:
But it's a pointless detail. Personally when I saw you could shoot holes in bodies in Far Cry, I didn't go 'wow, what great detail they've put in! This really makes the experience more immersive and interesting!' I thought 'Well, that's great'. And then I moved on to marvelling at the little details that actually did add something, like the fish and stuff.
I have my own opinions too, why am I not allowed to share them on these forums? When I realized that you could do that in FarCry, I thought that it was really cool and awesome. It adds a sense of realism to the game. So next time, when I played HL2, the feature WASNT there. HL2 is moving backwards. I personally loved that feature in FarCry.. But I guess my opinion isn't allowed to be here.
I have my own opinions too, why am I not allowed to share them on these forums? When I realized that you could do that in FarCry, I thought that it was really cool and awesome. It adds a sense of realism to the game. So next time, when I played HL2, the feature WASNT there. HL2 is moving backwards. I personally loved that feature in FarCry.. But I guess my opinion isn't allowed to be here.
You can share your opinon, but other people can share there opinon about you sharing your opinon.

Omg HL2 dosn't have Bullet holes omg!!!. Ok voiced your opinon...we know.....thats nice now let us voice ours.
Minerel said:
You can share your opinon, but other people can share there opinon about you sharing your opinon.

Omg HL2 dosn't have Bullet holes omg!!!. Ok voiced your opinon...we know.....thats nice now let us voice ours.
What the hell is your problem? Where in this thread have I acted like a 12 year old saying "OMG hl2 doesn't have bullet holes". Why must you act so immature? I came here without flaming anyone and find myself being flamed by everyone.. And, in your opinion, that's because I stated my post in a stupid manner. Now, let's take a look at my post:

Garric2 said:
Does anyone know any way to shoot holes into corpses? For example, in FarCry, when you shoot someone, it makes a hole in their body. After their dead, you can see where you hit them and killed them. This is the same in Half Life 2, but unfortunately, you can not put any more holes into them after they are dead. This is one thing I enjoyed about FarCry which was shooting holes into an already dead mercenary. Is there some console command that allows this sort of action?

No. To me you are no better than the imaginary me going "OMG where are the teh bullet holes".

EDIT: After reading around these forums for a bit, I have found that almost every thread has some sort of light flaming or sarcasm. I would have expected more from a Half-Life 2 community.
Oh the drama!!

*cough entertainment cough*

Anyway, i hardly think hl2 is moving backwards because it doesn't have more gore than another game. It's just not that important. Sure it might look cool, but there's heaps in hl2 that looks cool anyway.
I think valve's angle was less gore/extreme violence anyway. Being such a high profile title and all, they ran the risk of being slammed for violence - they don't even have gibbing in it (Which i d0on't mind, ragdolls rock).

There are other factors here other than... i don't know, valve being lazy?

I think it's quite the contrary
There's gibbing in HL2. Such as the zombies, antlions, mechs and synths.

Everything told here concerning technical support needs to be taken with a grain of salt. There will always be people that if you question changing HL2 in the slightest they tell you "why do joo need to do that ne wayz? It's stoopid and pointless and omg hl2 is perfect and you; suck!"

That's what GCF scape and hammer is for.

Seeing that you can continue placing decals on already dead bodies, I'm sure thats a start in working the code. Somehow give that already set ragdoll code into regualr npcs that you have to kill. Okay I've been told here...

1. I can't set decals to stay pemanently and I did.
2. I can't play HL2 on Steam without going online and I did.
3. I can't turn off player sprays and it is possible although I haven't done it. (I'am considering it though after seeing an animated goatse, ******* and lemon party COMBO last night.)
4. I can't use HL2DM style ragdolls in CSS and I did.

Right now I'm trying to figure this out myself as well as somehow make gibs stay.
Plug said:
Oh the drama!!

*cough entertainment cough*

Anyway, i hardly think hl2 is moving backwards because it doesn't have more gore than another game. It's just not that important. Sure it might look cool, but there's heaps in hl2 that looks cool anyway.
I think valve's angle was less gore/extreme violence anyway. Being such a high profile title and all, they ran the risk of being slammed for violence - they don't even have gibbing in it (Which i d0on't mind, ragdolls rock).

There are other factors here other than... i don't know, valve being lazy?

I think it's quite the contrary
About the drama: It's not my fault I'm being flamed, go talk to someone who'se flaming me.

They are not being lazy. Last week I replayed the whole Half Life 2 just to find out if you could shoot bullets into the corpses, of what enemies, what levels, etc. I found out that any slain enemy can not be shot through.. BUT what I did find out was that pre-placed corpses in certain locations (I.E dead enemies that YOU didn't kill.) can be shot through, with decals staying. This means that Valve took this issue out on purpose, and can probably be put back in.
DoctorWeeTodd said:
There's gibbing in HL2. Such as the zombies, antlions, mechs and synths.

Everything told here concerning technical support needs to be taken with a grain of salt. There will always be people that if you question changing HL2 in the slightest they tell you "why do joo need to do that ne wayz? It's stoopid and pointless and omg hl2 is perfect and you; suck!"

That's what GCF scape and hammer is for.

Seeing that you can continue placing decals on already dead bodies, I'm sure thats a start in working the code. Somehow give that already set ragdoll code into regualr npcs that you have to kill. Okay I've been told here...

1. I can't set decals to stay pemanently and I did.
2. I can't play HL2 on Steam without going online and I did.
3. I can't turn off player sprays and it is possible although I haven't done it. (I'am considering it though after seeing an animated goatse, ******* and lemon party COMBO last night.)
4. I can't use HL2DM style ragdolls in CSS and I did.

Right now I'm trying to figure this out myself as well as somehow make gibs stay.

That's pretty sweet, if you really figure this out please drop me an email at [email protected].
Where in this thread have I acted like a 12 year old saying "OMG hl2 doesn't have bullet holes". Why must you act so immature?
That is just me being me...for god sake dude don't take it so personal. Lighten up....

And, in your opinion, that's because I stated my post in a stupid manner
My opinon is I could care less about the bullet holes, as to me they add nothing.

came here without flaming anyone and find myself being flamed by everyone.. And, in your opinion, that's because I stated my post in a stupid manner. Now, let's take a look at my post:
Lets point out where I stated my opinon in my post:
"You can share your opinon, but other people can share there opinon about you sharing your opinon.

Omg HL2 dosn't have Bullet holes omg!!!. Ok voiced your opinon...we know.....thats nice now let us voice ours."

Ohh wait... I DIDN'T.

When I post a simplified version of your post thats nothing to take personally, infact you are the first person I have met to ever taken something like that so personal. Seriously LIGHTEN UP.

You said this:
"I have my own opinions too, why am I not allowed to share them on these forums?"
Well guess what, you can share them but we can share ours. We can share our opinon about your opinon. I can say, I think your opinon sucks. It's my opinon and I am allowed to share it.
I can also say, "Bullet holes add nothing". Thats my opinon. Deal with it.

The fact is that I simply stated, you can state your opinon
"You can share your opinon,"

Other people can state there opinon about your opinon
"but other people can share there opinon about you sharing your opinon."

A simplified version of what you posted could be this, no matter how it looks it is what it means. If you had written that i wouldn't have thought of you any less or any more. It would of just been a simplified version to me.
"Omg HL2 dosn't have Bullet holes omg!!!"

You voiced your opinon..
"Ok voiced your opinon...we know."

We can voice ours to about HL2 and bullet holes and whatever you wrote.
"thats nice now let us voice ours."
Garric2 said:
About the drama: It's not my fault I'm being flamed, go talk to someone who'se flaming me.

You're quick on the defensive, that wasn't intended as an insult. I just find these kind of posts on forums humerous, the point of what i was saying was to demonstrate a little irony for humor's sake.

There's far too much seriousness about tiny issues in these forums if you ask me.
Garric2 said:
Does anyone know any way to shoot holes into corpses? For example, in FarCry, when you shoot someone, it makes a hole in their body. After their dead, you can see where you hit them and killed them. This is the same in Half Life 2, but unfortunately, you can not put any more holes into them after they are dead. This is one thing I enjoyed about FarCry which was shooting holes into an already dead mercenary. Is there some console command that allows this sort of action?
