Today I fly around the world.

May 24, 2003
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It's going to be a long trip. If you never hear from me again, it's probably because I have died en route.

I'm leaving Paraguay, the place that has been my home since last year, and I am going to England, the place that was my home for the part of my life before that.

I have lived in Interesting Times.

Adios amigos.
You call that round the world? I flew Sydney - LA, LA - London with a one hour break in the middle. I laugh at your feeble "round the world" trip, ha-HA!

Hasta luego amigo.
Good luck. Remember to buy something in the tax free area.
And don't take any shit from those airlines telling you to buy two seats man, you're a human being...
Also, you have the right to refuse a search of your person and your luggage, and the right to not comply with the security measures taken against you.

Of course, they have the right to detain you, but don't let that discourage you from "sticking it to the man" as you westerners put it.
Post when you land! And then forever after that.
bye! I'll miss you!!

is he gone? yeah? finally! What a dick.
So who else couldn't point out Paraguay on a map? Come oooooon, ADMIT IT!
I'm currently in an internet cafe in Sao Paulo. This is probably the most difficult journey I've ever taken and yet all my flights and things are going smoothly.

Hrmmm. I hope I don't become bitter.
Well I made it you inglourious basters.

I watched four films on the plane, as well as several episodes of various TV series'. Those modern airbus plains might be as cramped as normal, but having control of the entertainment in the way that you do really does make flying a lot easier. I didn't sleep at all.
In fact, you might say that time was flying.

Did you wake up in a panic the middle of the night and suddenly tell yourself, "What the **** am I doing here? Where am I?" and then proceeded to check for your wallet/cellphone in your pants only to discover that everything was alright and you were just on your way home?
I didn't actually fall asleep as far as I remember.
But I did ask myself those questions regardless.