Today's my birthday...


Companion Cube
Jan 11, 2005
Reaction score
I had forgotten. I realized it when my friend told me "Happy Birthday". It was like any other day though; woke up at 6, went to class, and currently doing "self-study".

My friends did wish me happy birthday, but being stuck at school for 24/7, there wasn't much to do. I turned 18 today, a number that's supposedly important. But we were all Grade 3, the final year of our high school education. We were all busy, too busy to celebrate more than a few minutes. One of my roomates had his birthday yesterday, and it was the same.

You guys prolly party a lot or celebrate your 18th birthday with grandeur. We, turn to Chapter 15 on our Statistics textbooks and try to calculate the corelation r.


I'll be the first to wish you a happy birthday comrade numero
Maybe mother Korea will care...

(I kid, birthday happy)
Happy Birthday Dude!

In before Stern comments!
Happy birthday. :D

I have to wonder how people manage to forget their own birthdays... you have to have some sort of subconscious register that that date is your birthday. You've gone through the motions enough times.
I have to wonder how people manage to forget their own birthdays... you have to have some sort of subconscious register that that date is your birthday. You've gone through the motions enough times.

Comparatively speaking to most things, the amount of birthdays one has in their life is quite small.
I just wanted you to know...


temp fix until this board gets more internationally minded D:<

p.s. do UWC after you graduate and come to Earlham College stateside :D
Happy Koreaday, Numbers. One day I hope to see you deprogrammed.
Happy birthday mr. numbers. Today is my birthday too. We are like brothers.
ching chong chunggg

-Happy Birthday in Korean. <3
Happy birthday. :D


I love that picture. :p

With love from Americ*nt.
Heh. :)
I just wanted you to know...


temp fix until this board gets more internationally minded D:<

p.s. do UWC after you graduate and come to Earlham College stateside :D

Heh thanks man, it made me smile. :p

Of course, it refers to me in the plural form, which means that you have found out the truth; I am the collective hive-mind and manifestation of the Urtg'grt trinity.

And thnx for the suggestion, but my mind is focused primarily on the Korea Military Academy. :)

Happy Koreaday, Numbers. One day I hope to see you deprogrammed.

Heh. May not happen too soon.

Happy birthday mr. numbers. Today is my birthday too. We are like brothers.


ching chong chunggg

-Happy Birthday in Korean. <3


lulz. Our speech sounds a bit more german and finnish than chinese.

what age has the glorious fatherland assigned you? aww I see it's 18. perfect. report to the Centre for Military Indoctrination and Servitude

what age has the glorious fatherland assigned you? aww I see it's 18. perfect. report to the Centre for Military Indoctrination and Servitude

Actually, I turned 18 a year and half ago in Korean :p

If all goes right, I'll be an officer in 4 years time spending my time in a frontline Guard Post, after that perhaps Milintel (Military Intelligence). :D
standing at a guard post in the pouring rain for 10 hrs/day wont seem fun when you're 60 and your arthritis is acting up. doctors and lawyers dont stand in the rain looking for commies ...well they might in your part of the world, but usually they dont
Happy Birthday! So what are you, some kinda cyborg?
standing at a guard post in the pouring rain for 10 hrs/day wont seem fun when you're 60 and your arthritis is acting up. doctors and lawyers dont stand in the rain looking for commies ...well they might in your part of the world, but usually they dont

Meh, I chose to be in the Social Sciences-Maths B group (as opposed to Natural Science - Maths A) when the time came to choose, because I found maths A too hard. So I've blown that. (Funnily enough, I've always wanted to be a computer engineer or a biologist, sucks when you find out you can't because you can't do calculus)

The most I can do with my grades is to get into the second or third best university in the country and get a desk-working white collar job at Samsung or some other huge corporation. Becoming a lawyer takes too much time and money, and I don't want to do it. :p

Or I could choose the Korea Military Academy to become "the nation's elite, intelligent officers". I'd be serving all that I believe in, and I'd have a job without fear of layoffs, a decent pay (officers get way more money than plain soldiers), and a chance to do the things I love. Even if I chose to leave the military, the education and degrees that they make you earn at the KMA would ensure that I get a managerial job.

Of course, my parents prefer I choose the former, but I'd rather live a meaningful life.

Anyway, gotta go. Roll call time.
Happy Birthday numbers, good luck with your career path, I'm sure you'll do a fine job smashin' skulls! 18, a real man now in the big wide world :D
Have an orderly birthday numbers! Enjoy it, but without causing undue disruption to other members of society!
Happy birthday! Don't let the zerglings eat you. And piss on N. Korea for me.
I have to wonder how people manage to forget their own birthdays... you have to have some sort of subconscious register that that date is your birthday. You've gone through the motions enough times.

Wait till you get old ... Believe it or not, I'm not sure how old I am.

[Current Age]+ or - 1
On this day, eighteen years ago, you had your first cybernetic implants! Doesn't it feel great to get the hexannual service done?

Happy birthday, you vicious little son of a bitch. I love ya.
Please go to the border and piss in your hands and throw it over to the north. Or do this with poop.
Either way happy adulthood or some shit.