"Today's Special: Human Sausage a la carte


May 5, 2004
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one of those threads that makes you involuntarily cross your legs:

Man cuts off penis in restaurant

A man cut off his penis with a knife in a packed London restaurant.

Police were forced to use CS gas to restrain the man when they entered the Zizzi restaurant in The Strand on Sunday evening.

A Metropolitan Police spokeswoman said the man was aged between 30 and 40 and that his injuries were self-inflicted.

It is understood surgeons were unable to reattach his penis. [oh man, the humanity]

At around 9pm on Sunday, a man walked into the Zizzi restaurant on The Strand, down the stairs to the basement restaurant area and tried to enter a kitchen.

"Members of staff stopped him, at which he ran into a second kitchen area.

"The man then picked up a kitchen knife and slashed himself across the wrist and groin areas before running back into the restaurant, where he continued to stab himself.

"This happened in a matter of seconds and was obviously extremely frightening and distressing for the many customers and staff in the restaurant at the time."


jeez if he wanted to kill himself wouldnt it have been easier to jump in front of a lorrie?

see, this is what happens when you enforce strict anti-gun laws; people who want to commit suicide but cant purchase a handgun have to take desparate measures to off themselves ..shame on you brit-land-ers for not allowing easy access to guns ..it could have prevented this tragedy
love the title, "Man Cuts off penis in restaurant"...haha
see, this is what happens when you enforce strict anti-gun laws; people who want to commit suicide but cant purchase a handgun have to take desparate measures to off themselves ..shame on you brit-land-ers for not allowing easy access to guns ..it could have prevented this tragedy

Well I heard about a guy that tried to kill himself by shooting himself in the head, but he couldn't even do that right. So the bullet missed the brain and instead shishkabobed his eyes:x
I blame video games.

The irony of the story is that Zizi in french means weener.
I can't tell if it's a joke or not. -____-
So he slashes his wrists, stabs himself multiple times, and he lives?

Damn. He must regret the penis part now.