Todesangst - Source Edition is Cancelled... which is great!!


Veteran Incompetent
Aug 3, 2003
Reaction score
Todesangst was a well realised SP modification for the original HL, and Todesangst 2 wasa a sequel which surpassed the original in so many ways that it earned itself a place as one of my favourite single-player experiences of all time.

So, it's with great delight that I announce- for those of you who somehow managed to miss the news like I did- that Daryn "PeppyFool" Waite has ceased development on Todesangst: Source Edition!

...that's because he's now planning on releasing Todesangst 3, an all new modification :D

Bluntly I agree wholeheartedly with his decision- a port of the original would have offered nothing new for an expanded player base, and adding extensive new content would have defeated the object of a port. Now I've got something else to look forward to, with a level of eager hyperactivity that the Source Edition never stimulated in me (and apparently no one else, considering the underwhelming response for his elderly post in the Help Wanted section ;( )...

Where was I? Oh, yeah.

*sets fanboy level to maximum*
My gods i despised those 2 mods
And the worst is that my brother keeps hogging the computer playing them at the moment
To their credit they were well made but no fun and rubbish really
I really liked todesangst, give me a link to download todesangst 2.
good thing i have no idea what it is and I never played so im not sad.
MarcoPollo said:
good thing i have no idea what it is and I never played so im not sad.
So what's the point of posting? :sleep:

I really liked the first two, can't wait for the source one.
its cancelled, they are making Todgesangst 3 instead
Can anybody give a link to where I can download the second one.
It was quite a corny storyline to play, but funny...

with that music "Who ate all the donuts" rap...:laugh:

Looking forward to any semi-decent HL2 single player mods :bounce: