Tokyo Game Show 2009!!


Jan 25, 2009
Reaction score


This week is TGS '09 (September 24 to September 27) and with it comes a shitload of new games, demos, videos, interviews, pictures and lots and lots of news and updates. Please post whatever you think is worth posting and I'll of course post some as well.
Nintendo Announces Official Wii Price Cut
Nintendo have just announced a price cut for the Wii in both the US and Japan, putting an end to weeks of speculation.

Also can't wait to see some cosplay out of this years...
For a second there I thought there was a game announced depicting Japanese Game Shows.

I'm sure everyone here would buy at least three copies.
Sony's keynote? BORING. No real exciting news. Most exciting news was the official confirmation of the Wii price drop to $200 during the keynote and the reveal of the Nov. 15 release for New Super Mario Bros Wii. Can't wait!!

Most exciting news I have seen so far?

--New interview/trailer for The Last Guardian that actually brought tears to my eyes and a lump to my throat.

--Trailer for Yakuza 4 looks awesome as ever.

--Confirmation from Level-5 of White Knight Chronicles 2 (even though we have yet to see the first one in the US).

--New trailer for FFXIV actually kept my interest and I am loving what I see.

--4 new ones from Nippon Ichi with one being a story-driven adventure title which is a welcome departure.

What am I still dying to hear?

--Any news on the Level-5/Studio Ghibli games.

--Confirmation of Legend of Dragoon 2 (one can hope, right?).

--Anything about Dragon Quest X Wii.

--Alan Wake PC announcement? (again, one can hope, right?)
Day 1 review: shit

Day 2 projections: more shit, possibly confirmation of SSFIV

Day 3 projections: even more shit, seriously Capcom you better confirm/deny
Anybody got the new trailer for The Last Guardian? Also, I head there might be some Dead Rising 2 gameplay being shown, and i'm really waxing my megaboner for that game.