Tomorrow People


The Freeman
Jul 3, 2003
Reaction score
These are just some random pictures I did of the future! Based on a sort of Gibson-cyberpunk vibe. All except the first one were inked by Suicide 42 (I would have done it myself but he wanted something to relieve the boredom of Chemistry lessons.

Bobby, Greg, and Theo.

Scan quality isn't brilliant. If the technology looks a little too archaic (why has Greg got wires all over him even though within ten years or so everything'll be wireless) then my excuse is: It's retro-chic. :)

Quite a few more to come!
My favorite is Theo. Greg isn't as good, because I was inking the picture in a biology lesson, when the lights were off and we were using a projector, so I couldn't quite see what I was doing :p
Greg isn't as good, because I was inking the picture in a biology lesson, when the lights were off and we were using a projector, so I couldn't quite see what I was doing


Thanks for the, er, comment.
They look like something from the fallout series somewhat :p

Very good as usual though :)
I do my best art in Chemistry too. The teacher tries too push me really hard though because I get A+ on all the tests but fail all my homework and labs because I just draw. I don't think I've ever studied for that class, it's so easy and dumb.

Nice pictars, the faces could use a bit more work though.
