Too many bloody vehicles!!


Oct 7, 2004
Reaction score
I remember when they said this game would be far more infantry based than the ones previous. It is, in fact completely the opposite. Too many planes, choppers, tanks and apcs means that i sometimes strugle to enjoy a game (doesn't always mean do well) if im not in one.
Ive started only joining servers if they are urban or largely infantry based maps- 16p is more fun than it used to be- and i HATE 64 player maps.

Im looking foward to the special forces expansion as it promises more infantry based combat- whether or not they deliver on this remains to be seen.
The one thing that really pisses me off, is the tanks/linebackers/APC's don't have holes for the drivers to see. This means that when there is one sitting still capping a flag, and im scoped in on him, there's nothing i can do to kill him. I can kill helicopters/cars/trucks/humvees but those damned tanks! They have to look out from somewhere!!!

this would definitly balance the game more. It's so frustrating sometimes i almost wished i played anti-tank. But then i couldnt kill infantry.
Who ever said Anti-tank can't kill infantry? The DAO-12 is a monster against infantry in close quarters. Just be smart about it.
J_Tweedy said:
I remember when they said this game would be far more infantry based than the ones previous. It is, in fact completely the opposite. Too many planes, choppers, tanks and apcs means that i sometimes strugle to enjoy a game (doesn't always mean do well) if im not in one.
Ive started only joining servers if they are urban or largely infantry based maps- 16p is more fun than it used to be- and i HATE 64 player maps.

Im looking foward to the special forces expansion as it promises more infantry based combat- whether or not they deliver on this remains to be seen.

Well, then you're exactly like me, you have more fun during the infantry maps than the all out war maps.

If you were say, more like Cyberpitz (assumption being made) then you'd have more fun on the all out war maps, mostly the large Chinese maps.

So that's why there are so many maps, you play the ones you like. I myself feel that the small Chinese maps are more balanced out than the others. Lots of hiding spots for infantry to wait out a tank coming down a road.

The maps were all designed with different goals in mind.

Like Strike at Karkand was designed to give a Mogadishu/Battle for Black Sea feel. It was designed around the infantry combat.

But Daqing Oil Fields was designed entirely different. It was designed around the air and ground assets. It's made to give an all out scramble for controll feel.
acctually, funny thing about the anti-tank. I was sniping, and one of them was sneaking up behind me, the commander goes "hey xcell u got a guy on you!" so i turn around to see him there with a knife, well i pull out my 92SF or whatever and stand up, he switches to the rocket launcher and fires, i mean we are litterally 2 feet apart, i dont die, and instead shoot him twice and he dies.

They deliberatly reduce the dmg on infantry. Its why the linebacker (quad barreled explosive rounds) can't kill a tank, and why a .50cal ANTI-TANK round doesnt even scratch a tank. It's 'fake' but for balance.
xcellerate said:
.50cal ANTI-TANK round doesnt even scratch a tank. It's 'fake' but for balance.

Actually, they're called anti-material rounds, and were designed to take down jeeps. Not tanks

Simple solution: if you dont like vehicles. go play another FPS with none in them. People dont understand the fact that the battlefield Series is based on vehicles and this element has stood out from most other FPS out their. If you dont wanna be a part of it, go play another game.

Long live battlefields vehicles!

Just my 2c
what bothers me isnt the amount of vehicles but rather how players use them ...played last night on a server where I couldnt get into a chopper 90% of time because some idiot decides flying alone is much better than picking up passengers in his blackhawk
thats why when i fly, i make a squad called blackhawk and if people want in they have to join my squad. ;)
xcellerate said:
thats why when i fly, i make a squad called blackhawk and if people want in they have to join my squad. ;)

that's actually a really good idea ..I'm always looking for a squad that works together ..and that tells me right away they do
landmines ftw
engineer rocks - he uses a man's weapon, the shotty!
I always play eng in class based games ...not so much in bf2 ..**** punishing has gotten way out of hand ...I mean wtf why cant people see the big symbol above a mine? I cant tell you how many times I've been punished because someone is too stupid to realise that the skull and cross bones above a mine means danger
CptStern said:
I always play eng in class based games ...not so much in bf2 ..**** punishing has gotten way out of hand ...I mean wtf why cant people see the big symbol above a mine? I cant tell you how many times I've been punished because someone is too stupid to realise that the skull and cross bones above a mine means danger

Well, I play engi allot and you're doing it all wrong. When you mine up a place, you don't mine up the entrances and make it impossible to pass. You lay two mines right on the path, then walk away from the path left and right and lay two more. Now, when a speeding FAV comes down the road, he's going to either not notice the two about to go under each tire, or he's going to not notice in time and go KABOOM! Now when a DPV comes driving allong and notices the two mines in the road, he's going to think "ha, these idiots mined up the whole road. I'm going to to extremely to the right and not get pwned", but little does he know he's about to go KABOOM.

That gives enough space for your teammates to go around the mines also, and you'll get minimal TK's.

So your mines should look like this:


Placement on the road is a very important thing also. You don't want to just mine up the exit/entrance to a base because A) it'll stop not only enemies but also teammates from getting in/out B) by the time your enemies are that far down the road, they'll have allot of time to notice the mines and go back or, if he's also and engi, disable them.

So what you want to do is place them where a speeding DPV doesn't have enough time to react, like right after the little ledge at the beggining and edge of all bridges, or right around a corner. Now when that speeding DPV is going over the bridge, by the time he notices there are mines behind the little ledge on the opposite side, he's in for another treat.

One last thing, don't mine an entire flag, it's pointless. As I said, it'll give your enemies time to react, since there are so many frigging mines to notice. And don't even THINK about mining up an enemy flag, only mine up your own. Mine up a flag sparing, particularly where you're positive a tank might try to wedge itself as close to the flag as possible, or it popular parking spaces, and only mine your flags because mining up an enemy flag just prevents your team from getting to it.
Ev!lP!e said:
Simple solution: if you dont like vehicles. go play another FPS with none in them. People dont understand the fact that the battlefield Series is based on vehicles and this element has stood out from most other FPS out their. If you dont wanna be a part of it, go play another game.

Long live battlefields vehicles!

Just my 2c

But that's the thing- what ive been saying- is that bf2 was NOT supposed to be so heavily based on vehicles, and the point of my thread was to discuss why there are so many in the game when they said there wouldn't.
Dont get me wrong here, I like the vehicles, ive just been finding Im having a much more fun bf2 experience in Infantry based maps.
J_Tweedy said:
But that's the thing- what ive been saying- is that bf2 was NOT supposed to be so heavily based on vehicles, and the point of my thread was to discuss why there are so many in the game when they said there wouldn't.
Dont get me wrong here, I like the vehicles, ive just been finding Im having a much more fun bf2 experience in Infantry based maps.

EDIT: Nvm :P
J_Tweedy said:
I remember when they said this game would be far more infantry based than the ones previous. It is, in fact completely the opposite. Too many planes, choppers, tanks and apcs means that i sometimes strugle to enjoy a game (doesn't always mean do well) if im not in one.
Ive started only joining servers if they are urban or largely infantry based maps- 16p is more fun than it used to be- and i HATE 64 player maps.

Im looking foward to the special forces expansion as it promises more infantry based combat- whether or not they deliver on this remains to be seen.

I just wish there was more veriaty of hummers
Most modern tanks are built to withstand .50 cal turrets even if they are hollow point anti-material rounds. I hate how unrealistic the tanks are in BF2, they should be breaking trees in half when they drive at them at full speed, worse yet the trees actually damage your tank! I mean....come one people, wood versus steel? Steel FTW! Also, the tanks should have no problems getting over large hills. And when you drive into water vehicles dont f***ing explode.....they stall out.

P.S. jeputa, a hummer is a hummer, there isn't any different kinds.
I wish they replaced the attack choppers they have now, with those loaches like in Black Hawk Down- little 2 man choppers with room for 4 to hang on skids- with mini guns attactched- awesome.
The M998 is the baseline vehicle for the M998 series of 1 1/4-ton trucks, which are known as the HMMWV vehicles. The HMMWV vehicles include 11 configurations. They are:

M998 Cargo/Troop Carrier
M1038 Cargo/Troop Carrier, with winch
M1043 Armament Carrier
M1044 Armament Carrier, with winch
M1045 TOW Carrier
M1046 TOW Carrier, with winch
M997 Ambulance, basic armor 4-Litter
M1035 Ambulance, 2-Litter
M1037 Shelter Carrier
M1042 Shelter Carrier, with winch
M1097 Heavy HMMWV (payload of 4,400 pounds).
xcellerate said:
The one thing that really pisses me off, is the tanks/linebackers/APC's don't have holes for the drivers to see. This means that when there is one sitting still capping a flag, and im scoped in on him, there's nothing i can do to kill him. I can kill helicopters/cars/trucks/humvees but those damned tanks! They have to look out from somewhere!!!

this would definitly balance the game more. It's so frustrating sometimes i almost wished i played anti-tank. But then i couldnt kill infantry.

I agree totally, on most of the tanks and armored vehicles there are holes where they enter the vehicle, these are usually open in bf2 and it would be awesome if you could throw a granade in there to kill all in the tank but that doesnt work :(
and sniping tank drivers would be lovley too :D
J_Tweedy said:
I wish they replaced the attack choppers they have now, with those loaches like in Black Hawk Down- little 2 man choppers with room for 4 to hang on skids- with mini guns attactched- awesome.

Yeah would that really fit ? nope :D

J_Tweedy said:
But that's the thing- what ive been saying- is that bf2 was NOT supposed to be so heavily based on vehicles, and the point of my thread was to discuss why there are so many in the game when they said there wouldn't.
Dont get me wrong here, I like the vehicles, ive just been finding Im having a much more fun bf2 experience in Infantry based maps.

Yeah, more infantry would mean more teamplay instead of all going different directions driving over their team mates :I
Garfield_ said:
I agree totally, on most of the tanks and armored vehicles there are holes where they enter the vehicle, these are usually open in bf2 and it would be awesome if you could throw a granade in there to kill all in the tank but that doesnt work :(
Well luckily people who design tanks arent stupid enough to leave a wide open slot on a tank. Im pretty sure they all have 2 inches of safety glass/lexan on the viewing slots.

Edit: Ohhhhhhhhh, now i see what your talking about. That would be awesome :P There should be an option to close it too. Like i said, the tanks in BF2 arent very realistic at all :(
sinkoman said:
Well, I play engi allot and you're doing it all wrong. When you mine up a place, you don't mine up the entrances and make it impossible to pass. You lay two mines right on the path, then walk away from the path left and right and lay two more. Now, when a speeding FAV comes down the road, he's going to either not notice the two about to go under each tire, or he's going to not notice in time and go KABOOM! Now when a DPV comes driving allong and notices the two mines in the road, he's going to think "ha, these idiots mined up the whole road. I'm going to to extremely to the right and not get pwned", but little does he know he's about to go KABOOM.

That gives enough space for your teammates to go around the mines also, and you'll get minimal TK's.

So your mines should look like this:


Placement on the road is a very important thing also. You don't want to just mine up the exit/entrance to a base because A) it'll stop not only enemies but also teammates from getting in/out B) by the time your enemies are that far down the road, they'll have allot of time to notice the mines and go back or, if he's also and engi, disable them.

So what you want to do is place them where a speeding DPV doesn't have enough time to react, like right after the little ledge at the beggining and edge of all bridges, or right around a corner. Now when that speeding DPV is going over the bridge, by the time he notices there are mines behind the little ledge on the opposite side, he's in for another treat.

One last thing, don't mine an entire flag, it's pointless. As I said, it'll give your enemies time to react, since there are so many frigging mines to notice. And don't even THINK about mining up an enemy flag, only mine up your own. Mine up a flag sparing, particularly where you're positive a tank might try to wedge itself as close to the flag as possible, or it popular parking spaces, and only mine your flags because mining up an enemy flag just prevents your team from getting to it.

some good points ..I do that laying the mine in a pattern thingy ..but peeps still run them over ..I think some people get confused between the medic bag/satchel charge and a mine
J_Tweedy said:
But that's the thing- what ive been saying- is that bf2 was NOT supposed to be so heavily based on vehicles, and the point of my thread was to discuss why there are so many in the game when they said there wouldn't.
Dont get me wrong here, I like the vehicles, ive just been finding Im having a much more fun bf2 experience in Infantry based maps.

They never said there wouldn't be as many vehicles. They just said that the game would be based more around infantry (which it is). A squad of men can still take down a tank with ease given that they're not all bunched up or running in a line. Of course you have vehicles on your side too so when there's more than one vehicle coming you should have some vechicles from your side too. Not to mention there's usually an AA emplacement or an HJ-8 just waiting to rock some armor or helo.
Da-Muffin-Man said:
Most modern tanks are built to withstand .50 cal turrets even if they are hollow point anti-material rounds. I hate how unrealistic the tanks are in BF2, they should be breaking trees in half when they drive at them at full speed, worse yet the trees actually damage your tank! I mean....come one people, wood versus steel? Steel FTW! Also, the tanks should have no problems getting over large hills. And when you drive into water vehicles dont f***ing explode.....they stall out.

P.S. jeputa, a hummer is a hummer, there isn't any different kinds.

Well, you consider you've got a big hunk of steel vs a 5ft diameter wooden pole that could well be 50ft into the ground, I think that both would effectively stop each other.

The smaller trees I agree though.

And the exploding jeeps is just stupid. I hate when I fall into the water, and I very well may have a chance to get back to shore, but the ****ing jeep decides to go KABOOM.

Oh well, nothing feels ruined though. I guess in the end, it's a very well ballanced game, minus the few advantages the other teams have *cough blackhawkowns cough*
The city warfare maps are fun for infantry, the others are too big to go on foot.
The one thing that really pisses me off, is the tanks/linebackers/APC's don't have holes for the drivers to see. This means that when there is one sitting still capping a flag, and im scoped in on him, there's nothing i can do to kill him. I can kill helicopters/cars/trucks/humvees but those damned tanks! They have to look out from somewhere!!!

this would definitly balance the game more. It's so frustrating sometimes i almost wished i played anti-tank. But then i couldnt kill infantry.

excuse me while i laugh, hard. hahahahahahaahahahahahahahahah. No no no, hell no. What kind of self respecting tank gets taken out by a sniper rifle outside of halo1&2. None thats what. A sniper's job is to pick off infantry, spot targets, and not be seen. Your very reason for existing is to make the enemy infantry panic due to being picked off. Your job is not to take out armor. So learn your place.

I play engineer. my job is to mine areas where enemies are likely to pass, repair friendly vehicles and equipment, and drive tanks. My job s not to attempt to engage infantry in anything long range or prolonged

if you want to take out tanks from long range, go AT, get in a tank, or man a TOW turret.

heh, sniper rifle needed tot ake out a tank, you crack me up