Too many newbs playing source!

Are there too many newbs in source?

  • Yes they're always crying haxorz

    Votes: 10 28.6%
  • No

    Votes: 20 57.1%
  • I'm a newb myself

    Votes: 5 14.3%

  • Total voters


Jesus criminy I'm getting banned from at least one to two servers a day dude!

I will be doing fine usually a score of 20-30 kills and 5-10 deaths and I play fast I don't camp and wait to ghey people.

I use my earphones the way they were meant to be used and there are way too many newb admin man.

I just killed an admin who had a score of 1-10 and he banned me.

These pukes are starting to piss me off!11!

I mean it's not like I never get gheyed so I can't look like I have walls and I miss all the time but I just shoot more.

I know it can be frustrating to lose alot but jesus these guys ban you for just being good. I never had these problems in 1.6 but this is getting rediculous man.
Kaoss said:
Jesus criminy I'm getting banned from at least one to two servers a day dude!

I will be doing fine usually a score of 20-30 kills and 5-10 deaths and I play fast I don't camp and wait to ghey people.

I use my earphones the way they were meant to be used and there are way too many newb admin man.

I just killed an admin who had a score of 1-10 and he banned me.

These pukes are starting to piss me off!11!

I mean it's not like I never get gheyed so I can't look like I have walls and I miss all the time but I just shoot more.

I know it can be frustrating to lose alot but jesus these guys ban you for just being good. I never had these problems in 1.6 but this is getting rediculous man.

Find good servers? Make your own?
Kaoosss or wtv, i totally agree with you they ban you if your better than them or if u pwn them in a bad way lol. but then i come in with a diff name ,and since theyre n00bs they dont no its meh and i TK the **** out of them till they kik meh..........then repeat lololol
Yeah I was playing HL2DM as well, 44 to 0 and they were like oh sure THUGENSTEIN STFU YOU HACKER. So annoying. They were accusing me of being invincible hahah. Pagus I think was his name, He was all telling me how he launched a bazooka in my face and I didn't die. He never launched shit into my face lol. Such bitchmade newbies.
I've had huge runs in source. I love it. All the new players make for great fun. Same with the lame admins.

I've ran like 35-0 on Piranesi and a few times on the Dust maps I'll run up to the 20's before dying. Funny thing is I'm not all that good in 1.6. Every now and then I'll pull a 3:1 KD, but for the most part, I'm a 2:1 player in 1.6.
I find the newbs more fun to play with, as many of the experienced players are egomaniacs/dicks.
I hate noob bashing. Everyone was a noob once, so stfu
I'm not newb bashing at all I'm just saying that newbs are idiots. I was an idiot once and I thought everyone better than me was a cheat. I once even accused a guy of having a jump hax when I saw him jump on top of a box. I then was banned for being a newb and later I realized there was a crouch jump.

What I'm really complaining about is newb admins. These guys barely know how to play the game and after you get 3 HS in a row or zip round a corner and take out the admin you can almost always expect to hear "hey he hax" or "BANNED"

It's rediculous.
i was never a n00b....i was born with a flashbang in one hand and a AK in the other ROFL
in that case, yes noobs are annoying, but in most cases i try and help them. What you need to find is a good server with good mature admins that and be a regular there. ive found thats the best cure for being pissed off by noobs
Deemo said:
in that case, yes noobs are annoying, but in most cases i try and help them. What you need to find is a good server with good mature admins that and be a regular there. ive found thats the best cure for being pissed off by noobs
Yeah those are the best. Our whole clan admins our server, and we get loads of cool people coming on and powning the poop out of us. It's really great.

Also the X51 public servers rule! The admins are really friendly there, and they already have a great following.
Tell me about it. I'm not a great player (my kdr's around 1.5) but on most of the servers i play on every time someone does an incredible thing (whatever it may be) some idiot cries HACKER! or simmilar. Now there are 2 kinds of newbies 1) the n00bs who are just stupid and annoying and 2) the newbies who want to learn (usually they will become an expirienced player) uhh ok thats it but it does piss me off.
Im a noob and I admit I aint very good but getting better thanks to some help from the posters on here
Im sure everyone started out as a noob once,although I will agree that to be kicked for being good is wrong(maybe they should have used noob in their server name and conversely if people want to play against only good players nonoobs)
Im sure that type of person is in the minority that kicked you we aint all like that
I don't know if I could be considered a newb. I took a long hiatus from gaming from RTCW times to Doom3's release. But I played alot of games before RTCW, so I'd consider myself old-school. And I never played the first CounterStrike games because I never bought Half Life1 for some odd reason. Anyway, this isn't the point of my post.

What I am trying to say, is that gaming communities have changed alot in a rather short time. These days, their is a wide variety of players, rather than in '99 where the online gaming community was just starting to get its feet wet. Newbs these days aren't willing to learn & behave. They're kids who like to bitch & moan & don't really apply any logic to anything, because they've been messed in the head by media\friends\the weird world in general.

Problem is, too many gamers are these types of people. So we have to deal with them or not play at all (And I'm sure not too many of you are willing to give up gaming.). What you should do is either just keep killing them & re-enter the server under a different handle each time they ban you, until they get the picture. Or just laugh in their faces, & try to piss them off back.

The idea I would suggest, is to teach them the ways of the experienced player. Help them out. Show them certain skills, then let them get a wack at it. If they are on an enemy team, give them a second or two to get ready for an attack. And most importantly, show them who actually is hacking & who isn't. This will utterly help you gain respect, not just from newbs but perhaps from other experienced players as well.

And remember, if they get 'pwn3d' by you, their ultimate goal turns into pissing you, the experienced player, off & getting raged. Kind of like a bully. In your case, the newb\bully banned you from the server. If a newb admin bans you, & you re-enter & is un-willing to seek advice, then I suggest my first two ideas.
lol u all need 2 stop complaining

its your fault for playing crap servers