Top 10 Delay Excuses

They're extremely funny if you've been around long enough or know enough to understand them. :)

Maybe not as funny as the original list published by Valve all those years ago, but still damn good.
What about the 100000 copies they made ??? What will they do with them ??? I just hope they'll give me some more media for me to see before the release.
Yeah, Valves were funnier.

Please don't remind me that Half-Life 1 was delayed by over a year.
Originally posted by Feath
Yeah, Valves were funnier.

Please don't remind me that Half-Life 1 was delayed by over a year.


Scarey, isn't it.
What the fu©k? These weren't fun at all!!!
Its no good making fun out of this situation, I think its disgraceful. People can put all the spin they want on the delay but at the end of the day Valve should have given customers more then 6 days notice of there failure to deliver.
Half-Life 2 DELAY FAKED !! ;)

Gabe Newell: No Delay.

UPDATE: This e-mail is a fake. Doug Lombardi confirmed the delay at 10:00 AM EST

Right just found this in our news email inbox however haven't looked into its authenticity yet but sounds cool if its true!

My apoligies to those affected by the e-mail that made it's way around news sites in past hours. Unfortunately it was nothing more than a cruel joke. Doug Lombardi sent no such e-mail.

I can assure you there is no such Half-Life 2 delay, and that details
regarding the release will be made public in coming days. Expect the
tech-demo and SDK to be released on or prior to the 30th.

Thanks for your patience and understanding,
Gabe Newell
could all be a big scam?

Here's to hoping it's all a big humongloid marketing scheme!
Maybe they will, maybe they won't release it. But you have to admit that they have definitly gotten everybody's interest!!!!!
Anyways I'm not gonna let my disappoint ruin my day!
Hopefully :cool:
I think the #1 reason they are a little late is trying to get it to work on Nvidia crap. It took them 5 times as much to get it to run under Nvidia as it did to get it to run under ATI. So that DEFINETLY contributed to delay......lets start a flame war against Nvidia!!!!!:cheers:
Originally posted by Buckaroo Banzai
I think the #1 reason they are a little late is trying to get it to work on Nvidia crap. It took them 5 times as much to get it to run under Nvidia as it did to get it to run under ATI. So that DEFINETLY contributed to delay......lets start a flame war against Nvidia!!!!!:cheers:

Idiot. :/
Originally posted by rec
Idiot*. :/
*Correction: Idiot with too long sig, that obviously hasnt read the forum rules.

I think the top #1 reason is the Valve sysadmin typed "format C:\" after reading it would get rid of a windows virus on a HL2 hardware help forum.
Ummmm, it is a widely held opinion that this contributed a small part to the delay. Of course it isn't the main reason that the delay has happened, but it DID contribute to it. They are most likely trying to get it to run smoother on Nvidia cards and probably a bunch of other issues. Calling me an idiot doesn't make sense when it is widely known the issues Nvidia cards have with running HL2. They are sorry cards, as compared to ATI. They are more expensive than ATI and have half the performance of ATI running HL2. Hense, sorry cards. Maybe you perchased the FX5900 Ultra and are pissed now that you have done it?:borg:

btw, my sig is on all the forums I visit. Of course I could come up with something more witty, but then this is a gaming forum, not a political or philosophical forum. Then again, sense HL is so polarising, hehe, it maybe political:cheers:
My top ten:

10) Local Burrito Factory scheduled to be closed. Gabe too busy circulating protest petition to bother with the game.

9) After including spoken dialogue for Gordon Freeman, suddenly remember that Gordon doesn't talk. All levels need to be redone from scratch.

8) Gabe Newell harshly criticized by former boss Bill Gates for "actually wanting to meet the customer's expectations. I thought I taught you better than that!" Newell, ashamed, changes his business strategy accordingly.

7) Despite best efforts, Valve couldn't squash delay rumors. Figured "if you can't beat them, may as well join them."

6) Valve team too busy answering email questions from fans. Completely forgot they have a game to produce.

5) Doctoring benchmark software in ATI's favor more time consuming than initially thought.

4) Fragmaster's constant negativity depressed programming team, reduced productivity.

3) Gabe Newell came to a startling realization that Iraq's information minister probably isn't the best role model.

2) Valve finally realized that Steam "really ain't that great of an idea."

And the number one reason:

1) Valve flat out sucks at release date estimates.
Why is it we all presume that it is VALVe that have caused the dealy. It may well be Vivendi making a marketing move, who knows?

My number one reason:

Headcrabs and aintlions have invaded valves offices in protest of being made out to be dumb ass aliens and unfortunatley killed all VALVe staff.

Damm bumb ass aliens dont they realize what they have done!!!!! :laugh:
half life 2 delay

what ever the delay cause is,doesnt warrent w8ing 5yrs 4 this game,

i think the marines have invaded the valve offices on the G-mans orders,and wiped out all the workers.

5yrs and all the profits from half life,and valve still cant deliver when they say they will.
what a disappointment if we've all been counting down the days to september 30th and now that we're 6 days away that make us wait longer....its just not right...they are messing with us!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :flame: