Top hollywood directors bring MMO games to tv


May 5, 2004
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""BusinessWeek has an exclusive interview with James Cameron. In it, the director reveals plans to design a massively-multiplayer online game (MMOG) alongside his next film, Project 880. There's also exclusive news that Ron Howard's upcoming reality show, XQuest, will have an MMOG component. Gamers will be able to interact with the contestants in the show (the game will be similar to Eve Online), and winners at home will be in the next season's show."

not a big fan of James Cameron but this kind of scares me cuz it's never good to have people create games who have no experience at it ..Cameron will do what he always does: throw money at it, wont guarentee it'll be any good

"With Project 880 (a working title), which is still at least two years off, gamers could be exploring Cameron's virtual world for weeks before they head for a theater to learn the story. And the game could spawn whole communities of diehards such as those who spend every waking hour immersed in EverQuest, World of Warcraft, and other massively multiplayer online games,"

seems to me like it's just an elaborate marketing scheme that could massively backfire ..if the game sucks people will stay away from the movie could be dead before it's even released
I wouldn't garuntee that...we're used to bad movie-based games by now.

And this is very similar to that Speilberg announcement. What they'll likely be doing is bringing their artistic design abilities to the game, not the technical aspect.
ya but he's hoping to develop a community (that's why it's a MMO) ..which in turn will add a built in audience to the movie's a good way of guarenteeing sales ..but if it sucks ..say like Matrix online or SWG then it could have the reverse effect
Lol I'll laugh at the fact if they make a World of Warcraft movie. LMAO!!!! That would be so funny. Its like a scene where a dwark and a dragon are fighting. Btw ir will suck if Micheal Moore did it.
Lol I'll laugh at the fact if they make a World of Warcraft movie. LMAO!!!! That would be so funny. Its like a scene where a dwark and a dragon are fighting. Btw ir will suck if Micheal Moore did it.
TriplepointIQ, more like!

This actually sounds quite interesting - and it's a hell of a gamble but come on, Cameron owns. As for a WoW could make something very cool set in that universe.