top ten bosses


The Freeman
Jan 21, 2004
Reaction score
inspired by the top ten weapons now I make a top ten bosses

again is hard cuz my memory may not serve well and I played a lot of games so

10-final boss-serious sam
I didnt played too much this game but one thing I liked was that the game was funny,and the last boss get a special mention cuz it was huge,the biggest boss in a videogame that I hav ever seen

9-tyranosaurus-dino crysis
it may be like a resident evil whit dinosaurs but the tyranosaurus gets a mention since,well is a tyranosaurus and appears varios times in the game and it was only in the last battle where you could kill it,in the previous you only could run

8-final boss-shadow of the collosus
the special stuff about this boss is that all the bosses didnt looked evil,infact they looked like noble beigns,but the last one is the one that really looks evil and whit the atmosphere of the stage it really give a sense of evil

7-minion-twisted metal 3
the first twisted metal game I played and I remenber there was a cooperative campaign mode whit some few bosses,it was hard cuz there was 2 that where the hardest ones but the minion that is a tank gets the mention cuz the stage where you fight it is london which is a laberynth like confusing stage and it was kind of scary to run around knowing the minion was around,and once he finds you you barely escape alive

6-nemesis-resident evil 3
I didnt played RE3 but a friend did and I remnber this boss nemesis that appeared varios times in the game like stalking you sure the last batle would hav been very satisfying

dont know if it can be considered a boss but anyone who played halflife knows the nightmare the gargantua was

4-black knight(vergil)-devil may cry
in a game whit cool boses it was a though choice. but the black knight get the mention cuz like dante it was another dude whit a sword whit cool moves and stuffs like that,also that appeared 3 times in the games and it was cool

3-psycho mantis-metal gear solid
the first time I saw psycho mantis I was like "WTF?" cuz I thought the game was realistic and didnt expected stuff like that,gladly the game contained cool boss and mantys get the mention cuz it was the coolest of all whit the gas mask and all

2-giant cobra-fury(dont remnber exact name)demo
when I get my first PC there was a CD that got a demo of a spaceship game called fury I think(I was too young so I realized it was a demo long time ago) and it was game where you control a spaceship and well you kill other spaceships of all shapes and forms,the stage was some desert planet and it was werid stuff like pyramids and sphynx, but I remenber there was a point where bang a giant cobra that shoot laser from the eyes appeared and I was like "wtf?"
even to this day I still remnber the music,it was hard,me my brothers and a friend give it thousands of trys until we finally beat it,I remenber a strategy was to fly to the highest of the sky and come dowm above it to avoid the lasers,however at the end the game ended and we knew it was only a demo,but even if the cobra was at the original game or not,it was fascinating

1-metal gear rex-metal gear solid
this one get number one cuz is very classic,a man against a giant machine,especially the rex that looked like a T-rex and even if it was kind of simple to beat it,it was still a very cool battle

so thats my top ten what you think?
Two best bosses ever:

Liquid Snake - Metal Gear Solid (Twin Snakes)
Cool, ingenious, fanatic, cloned brother of main protagonist.
Liqiud's speech about his motives, visions genetic heritage (BTW evidently inspired by Richard Dawkins) is simply awesome, also voice acting by Cam Clarke with nice british accent.
Plus Liquid controls Metal Gear REX...

Dr.Wallace Breen - Half-Life 2
Another ingenious "willian" but not driven by hate and selfish genes but by science .
Fighting him is not somehow challenging but whole scene with teleportation core and listenig his speech is fantastic. I will kick your ass later, Wally!
uhhh the most like bad a$$ boss = CyberDemon with Spider MasterMind in close 2nd.
No Zelda bosses mentioned yet. :O I can't think of one in particular that outdoes all the others. My favourite is probably Morpheel the Water Dragon from Twilight Princess. I had so much fun fighting that boss.


Thardus from Metroid Prime is also an amazing boss. It was amazingly original.

Two best bosses ever:

Liquid Snake - Metal Gear Solid (Twin Snakes)
Cool, ingenious, fanatic, cloned brother of main protagonist.
Liqiud's speech about his motives, visions genetic heritage (BTW evidently inspired by Richard Dawkins) is simply awesome, also voice acting by Cam Clarke with nice british accent.
Plus Liquid controls Metal Gear REX...

He was awesome, was that the one where the guy in the exoskeleton gets killed?

I have to say, that game also has the worst boss too, fighting all those mech warriors at the very end, one after another, that was stupid as hell.
Some of the WoW boss encounters were pretty cool, at least the first few times.
Pretty much any boss from God of War.

Worst "boss" of all time? The scarab from Halo 2.
Bosses don't tend to wow me anymore because they just become so bland in gameplay and fighting. They look nice, usually, esp. in Twilight Princess' case, but they are just so easy now.

In regard to all boss fights in games, whats with the huge, open rooms? And why are there items in the room that help with your demise? Right now I'm thinking of two great boss type characters from Gears of War - the Corpser and General Raam - and both of them were easy, dull and predictable. Find the weak spot, blah blah. They were both somewhat epic enemies, the Corpser being this huge ****-off spider and Raam being a dark, intimidating, proud military like figure... and put together, I reckon the completed time to killing them would be about 5 minutes. With the Corpser, why did you have to fight it on this huge open space like a Gladiator arena? Why wasn't it scaling the walls, chasing me down corridors, scuttling after me?

A stand out for bosses is people from MGS games, and even they are predictable and easy fights, just in MGS they have awesome cut-scenes and dialogue/speeches.

I don't know. I just don't feel anything exciting about fighting bosses anymore.
He was awesome, was that the one where the guy in the exoskeleton gets killed?

I have to say, that game also has the worst boss too, fighting all those mech warriors at the very end, one after another, that was stupid as hell.
No, you mean Solidus Snake ('s brother) from MGS2: Sons of Liberty.
Liquid is boss in first MGS.
7-minion-twisted metal 3
the first twisted metal game I played and I remenber there was a cooperative campaign mode whit some few bosses,it was hard cuz there was 2 that where the hardest ones but the minion that is a tank gets the mention cuz the stage where you fight it is london which is a laberynth like confusing stage and it was kind of scary to run around knowing the minion was around,and once he finds you you barely escape alive
I remember Minion all too well. My brother and myself played through that game at least four-six times. It was such a fun game. The gameplay was ace. That boss was so tough. I want Twisted Metal 3 back! :(
I love the boss battles in the MGS series. Kojima knows how to make next gen-boss battles the way I want them. They all differ strongly and you always have to find new ways of defeating each boss. That's the way a boss battle is supposed to be. Every boss battle should be a game on it's own.

Not sure if I can manage to do a faourite list, but one of my personal favourites is fighting 24 Metal Gear RAYs in MGS2. Another boss battle I really like is Thardus in Metroid Prime. By the way, the Metroid games have very entertaining boss battles as well in most cases.
There's a boss in Doom 3: Ressurrection of Evil that I find just completely totally awesome(one of the Hunters)...the one you face in that electric room... it's just a really cool battle I remember shooting the hell out of it and getting quite a beating and I ended up killing him with about 7 or so health left.

Final Fantasy games always have a boss or 2 that give you such a rewarding feeling for killing them.

Oh yeah the battle with Malak in KOTOR that just goes on forever cause he keeps draining life from the fallen Jedi..also cool
Next-gen my ass, what is so next gen about them anyways?

That said, my personal favourite final characters list opens up with SHODAN, followed by Taiidan Emperor Riesstu (beautiful and fitting finale to a great and engaging game) and Richard "Grey" Moreau (AKA Master fo the Supermutants), with runner ups in the form of DomZ Priest, Nicole Horne of Aesir Corporation, Antonio Malochio and his dark green Chevrolet Corvette C3, Metal Gear REX (don't step on the annoying Liquid though, Rexie) and the last three beginning with dr. Wallace Breen, accompanied by Beliar's chosen Raven and, last but not least, The Many.
All this MGS crap. Now I can only think about MGS bosses. Lol. I loved the Vulcan Raven one(the 2nd fight in the freezer). Not the actualy fight, but, of the cutscenes... he was one of the cooler Foxhound members. He was more like an astray member.
My post is noticeably full of MGS characters, riiight...
Definately The End from MGS3 for me.

First time I fought him, it was the most intense and coolest boss battle I have ever fought. Went on for like an hour, just a huge jungle as the arena, and two snipers trying to outwit each other. The end of the battle just rounded how utterly awsome it was, managed to outsmart him, snuck up on him, and knocked him out for his camo. True class.

Ganandorf (or whatever he was called, it was yonks ago) from Zelda: Ocarina of Time, at the end. It was like playing tennis, but was a class battle. Great way to sign of a great gaming experiance.

The Berserker from Gears of War, first time was just creepy when you see what you are up against, but then seeing it charge at you, was just awsome. Second time was even better, was playing with a mate, we entered the greenhouse, saw various Hammer's of Dawn scattered on the floor, knew something bad as coming, we moved down the room, i turn around while moving backwards to the wall, only for the Berserker to burst in behind me and claw me. Third and last time was hilarious, on the moving train, with my mate again. We lured it to the back, got it on the back carriage, released it, but it legged it off it just as it fell off the back. Then my mate got clawned and was dieing at the back with a clear view of the gap at the back of the train, and as i was priming a grenade for the gas tank, i move foward slightly just as its charging at me (i didn't know it was), only for it to run off the back, for my mate to burst into laughter, while im still priming the grenade to throw at the gas tank. The other bosses had good build up but were easy to kill in the end.
The Gears of War boss... He was so easy, yet the first time you fight him, you die almost instantly. D:
Psycho mantis was always one of my faves, esepcially the "hideo" errors, got me good.

Also the Resident Evil bosses, especially the tyrant.
Resident Evil 4 - The Village Chief

Metroid Prime 1/2 - Pretty much any boss (cept for the early, smaller ones), as they are all so damn awesome.

Half Life 2 - Wallace Breen, Striders if they count

Ocarina of Time - Ganondorf/Ganon, Bongo Bongo I look over my collection of FPS titles, none of the bosses stand out as having particularly wowed me. (Mid bosses, definitely). I think the boss from the old quarter cruncher "Shinobi" was my favorite, because it was so rare at the time that I got to see him.
All the Metroid Prime bosses are awesome, can't wait for number 3...

Also, a lot of the Twilight Princess bosses were far too easy, although some were cool/funny. Such as the temple of time boss, or zant. Also, that Ganondorf fight was classy...


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Oh, Yellow Squadron from AC4. LOL, When you finally shoot one of em own, everyone is like:
Best Boss: The Fury from MGS3: Snake Eater... The Series just has good bosses...

Also the Corpser from Gears of War.. Pretty cool.

MGS: Portable Ops has awesome bosses, Null is a freakin sweet boss.

Worst Boss: The Pain from MGS3: Snake Eater... He's always doing this little martial art stuff while he's talking, and he just sounds like he's a 7 year old trying to intimidate you.. funny. Also has really crappy powers.. I mean.. Bees?
Bosses don't tend to wow me anymore because they just become so bland in gameplay and fighting. They look nice, usually, esp. in Twilight Princess' case, but they are just so easy now.

In regard to all boss fights in games, whats with the huge, open rooms? And why are there items in the room that help with your demise? Right now I'm thinking of two great boss type characters from Gears of War - the Corpser and General Raam - and both of them were easy, dull and predictable. Find the weak spot, blah blah. They were both somewhat epic enemies, the Corpser being this huge ****-off spider and Raam being a dark, intimidating, proud military like figure... and put together, I reckon the completed time to killing them would be about 5 minutes. With the Corpser, why did you have to fight it on this huge open space like a Gladiator arena? Why wasn't it scaling the walls, chasing me down corridors, scuttling after me?

A stand out for bosses is people from MGS games, and even they are predictable and easy fights, just in MGS they have awesome cut-scenes and dialogue/speeches.

I don't know. I just don't feel anything exciting about fighting bosses anymore.

It took me awhile to beat the corpser because I had to figure out the order of where to shoot him. But if you think the corpser would be better in close quarters you are insane because it would rape you. Its scream thing would constantly knock you against the wall and it would just smash you.
And wouldn't close combat be more intense, madog?

SHODAN is seven different levels of awesomeness.
Bowser from the original Paper Mario would make my top ten list. The final battle takes over 1/2 hour because you're essentially beating Bowser 3 different times in succession. It requires your entire aresenal of party members, skills and power-ups in order to defeat him. Tricky, but doable. Challenging but not frustrating. Epic yet enjoyable the whole fight.


It's too bad I missed out on the Gamecube sequel because I hear it's even better. :x
Bowser from the original Paper Mario would make my top ten list. The final battle takes over 1/2 hour because you're essentially beating Bowser 3 different times in succession. It requires your entire aresenal of party members, skills and power-ups in order to defeat him. Tricky, but doable. Challenging but not frustrating. Epic yet enjoyable the whole fight.


It's too bad I missed out on the Gamecube sequel because I hear it's even better. :x

Haven't played the first one, but you get to play as Bowser in the second one. Its awesome. And yeah, it does kick all kinds of ass.

As for great bosses. Nothing from Gears of War, thats for sure. That game had some of the easiest and worst bosses i've ever seen. You can kill the Beserker without any fuss, the Corpser goes down in 15 seconds, and General Raam isn't particularly tough as long as you shoot the Reavers. And every boss i've fought in a metal gear game consisted of running around a square room, waiting for a clear shot.

Ganon is always a great boss, no matter which Zelda game. Krauser from Resident Evil 4 was fantastic to fight, and really nerve racking. Can't think of any others right now though. I can think of some epic fights i've had in games, but they aren't exactly boss fights.
I haven't really been wowed by a boss fight in a long time. The idea seems to be getting stale. However, there's a few worthy of mention.

Resident Evil 4 had a few very good boss battles. The crocodile-lizard thing in the swamp was awesome, and Krauser was fantastic. These boss battles stand out to me because they work, and are really quite fun.

And 'The End'. Who's just amazingly good fun.
Oh yeah, Bowser on Super Mario 64, class game, and I loved doing his little obstacle course before actually fight him.
It took me awhile to beat the corpser because I had to figure out the order of where to shoot him. But if you think the corpser would be better in close quarters you are insane because it would rape you. Its scream thing would constantly knock you against the wall and it would just smash you.

Not so much close quaters, just ANYTHING other than huge, circular area that just screams ''HEY COME DOWN HERE AND FIGHT MEH, plz don't go anywhere else tho :('' A big cavern maybe, just not an open cavern. Walkways, ledges, places to get above it and shoot down on it, caves to hide in as it reaches in to get you and only just can't reach, etc.

I forgot Ganondorf and Ganon. Now those were epic.