Top Ten Worst Employees of the year.

That quote was lolz :LOL:
In an FBI affidavit, Baer admitted to taking $10,000 at a time over several years from the Westminster, Md., bank where she worked as a teller. She told investigators that she used the money for vacations, bills and college tuition for her kids. She is facing federal embezzlement charges of more than $1 million.

Holy shit, she took over 1 million dollars over years!
Those didn't make me feel better. ;( I was literally yelled at our QC Inspector where I was laid off but the guy did it to everybody. We actually nicknamed him the "asshole" and my boss hated him too. He actually didn't come into work for 2 months before the holiday season because he had a "bad cold". He told me he loves getting paid exuberant amounts of money to be an asshole. Everybody would get into yelling fights with this guy and one day I finally had it with him. It basically went like (with a very hard to control normal, not yelling, voice):
Me: How about you stop yelling at me like a dog because I work better not being yelled at? Also try and act like an adult.
Him: I AM NOT YELLING AND I AM AN ADULT (red face and bulging eyes, literally)!
Me: :| Oh really now?
Him: Well sorry for yelling.......this is what you should do...sorry for yelling...:hmph:
I swear to God if you have an asshole at work, do that because everybody will be watching and it will make the guy look like a dumbass. In fact people just started to annoy the guy by ignoring him after I proved that somebody could screw the guy up. He would stall work from going out on purpose after though. Then my boss would come down on him from preventing work from going out. These were not defects neither so he was just being a jerk. Guy was a big fat guy too and wore a Rambo headband with sweat all over him during the Summer. His favorite employee was a **** tard from college I went with but that guy was literally a con artist. The majority of the con artist life was spent killing people in the Marines and telling stories of how he killed a person with a smoke grenade chucked at a guys head. He was like re-living his glory days. Other than that he was a tow truck driver. People respected him though because he was in the service. :rolleyes: Horrible welder too and only survived by not being noticed by the boss and doing the crap work.
I once killed a man with a smoke granade.
His HP was down to 1 and we where all rofl in our mics. I aslo killed a counter terrorist with a knife.
I once killed all of them with my bot_kill powers IRL.

True Story
Hankins forgot to remove a woman from a courthouse holding cell in northern Arkansas when he failed to contact the sheriff's office transport personnel to take the woman back to the county jail, according to officials. She spent four nights locked in a room without food, water or a toilet. Hankins was suspended for 30 days without pay.

Ooops. lol.
How the **** can you accidentally deprive someone of food and water for four days and keep your job?
Shit... 4 days. I used to think 8 hours was boring.
I want to know how cells can go unchecked for four days. What was it, a god damn county sheriff's office with built in prison in a city of 25?