Tornado destroys Kansas town

yea, that happens sometimes. I slept like a baby that night.
Move to North East, nothing happens here. Once in a great while you get snow, that's it.
Move to North East, nothing happens here. Once in a great while you get snow, that's it.

I like it here....some strong storms blow by, and some great snow at atimes...

I'd rather be in Nebraska, where it gets REALLY stormy, but eh.
How dull. I thought an RAF pilot had gone crazy and bombed the US. :p
A mile wide tornado?

I've always known you were a yank, but your location name brought my thoughts to Japan. You got any japanese ancestors?

Hmm, no sir, last name IS Peitzmeier, so yeah haha.
as much as I think it's horrible I cant help but think the tornado was god's way of smiting the kansas board of education for allowing evolution to be taught in schools

and he smote them mightily he did
I never could understand how people want to live in places like that
maybe they didn't have a choice, maybe they were forced to live there. their backs scared from the whips of their overlords, forced to mine wheat and corn under the hot sun. living in inhuman conditions.
You mean switching from heat to A/C in the same day? 110* heat? -10* cold?
One destroyed house tossed miles away to another: I don't think we're in Kansas anymore.
