Touch! Kirby (DS)

Wow, thats pretty unique. I'd like to play that. You can always depend on Nintendo to develop a truly unique product. :thumbs:
I'm definitely looking forward to this. I have always had a strange penchant for Kirby and his games. I am pesonally looking forward to this more than Yoshi. The inertia system is what's getting me excited.
*Sigh* Another game where you touch things/people? I know the DS has a touch screen and all, but this is getting crazy. Whats next? Wipe Mario's ass?

Having said that, I do admire Nintendo for doing something out of the ordinary.
dart321 said:
*Sigh* Another game where you touch things/people? I know the DS has a touch screen and all, but this is getting crazy. Whats next? Wipe Mario's ass?

Having said that, I do admire Nintendo for doing something out of the ordinary.

LOL!!! That would be funny.

I agree though. Props to Nintendo for not regurgitating the same old crap over and over again. I'm getting to the point where the same old genre's are getting a bit stale. Better graphics are nice and all, but while the graphics are getting better and better games are getting less and less creative.

Give me innovation or give me death.
dart321 said:
*Sigh* Another game where you touch things/people? I know the DS has a touch screen and all, but this is getting crazy. Whats next? Wipe Mario's ass?

Having said that, I do admire Nintendo for doing something out of the ordinary.

You can't be serious?

(what do you expect games that utilise the stylus to involve?)

Very few current DS titles have been designed with the stylus in mind, infact my main concern was the lack of stylus orientated games (especially as it's the machines most impressive and enjoyable feature). It's no way near 'getting crazy'.

This is moaning for moanings sake.

'omg - another pc shooter that uses the mouse and involves shooting ppl/things'!!1

You get the lame criticism award :thumbs:
Don't forget the Microphone! That is something that could become very big. Look how effective it has been in Project Rub and Wario Ware.
SearanoX, I bet as soon as the next Zelda title arrives your resolve will crumble ;)

(the DS lineup over the next year and a bit actually looks more impressive than the pcs. imo of course)
To save starting another DS thread on these forums, (We already have 3) we should switch discussion to animal Crossing DS.

Fully Online Capable
Better graphics than the Gamecube version. (The GC version was a straight port of the N64 one, and that had sub-par graphics as it is.)
The ability to visit friends towns whebever you want.
Fully touch screen orientated (sp?) menues and minigames.
New festivals and items previously not seen in the GC or 64 version.

I personally cannot wait. Certainly my most anticipated title of the current release schedule.
Agreed - it looks very nice :)

The GC version was always slightly lacking. No matter how nice your house was, or how cool the clothes you made looked, you could never experience and share your creations with someone at the same time. Getting presents through the post is nice - inviting somene to your town to have a look around will be much better :)

(it'd be easier to have seperate threads for each game though - doesn't matter what format they are. These games deserve there own thread, and it keep everything nice and neat :))
The DS could certainly use some good games. Nintendo needs more of their signature characters in their games, like Kirby. I'm waiting for some news about Zelda for DS.

On just an aside (sorry for losing focus on the topic, Warbie, but this really doesn't need a whole new thread), there should be an Ocarina in the new Zelda game, where you play it using the Mic. They did something like that in Warioware, where you blow into the mic to play a harmonica, and use the buttons to change the note. It would be perfect for Zelda. How's that for using the new DS technology in an innovative way?
That'd be good :)

I'm sure Nintendo will incorporate the mic in some way. (not too much though - I nearly passed out from playing the blowing games on Wario Ware for too long :/)
My friend actually had to lie down after the candle minigame on Project Rub/Feel the Magic.
ewwwwwww touch kirby!!!!!!! kirby molestation!!!!!! hahaha!!!!!!!!!!lol!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! im so funny i make myself laugh so hard!!!!!!!!!lol!!!!!!!!!!!!