Trailer #2: Splinter Cell Pandora Tomorrow


Aug 20, 2003
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Ubi Soft has released a new trailer of Splinter Cell Pandora Tomorrow, offering 3 minutes of high res gameplay footage for this upcoming third-person shooter sequel. The game is slated for release in Q1 2004 on PC, Xbox and PlayStation 2.



Have fun :naughty: ;)
Man, I just downloaded it and Its realy awsome, The graphics is simply grand breaking. You can play now in 1st Person View as well as 3rd. More Physical moves (Much more).
looks mint. do ubi just use the same engine for every game? splinter cell, prince of persia, this, they all have the 'same' feel, just updated somehow.
Awesome!! Those new moves are excellent! :)
Didi you see the last 40 seconds, its the online gameplay. Looks realy revolutionery. :)
You know, their were actually people who hated that SCPT was going to have mulitplayer. I mean, how can you possibly hate a game with mp, especially something that looks cool as this. If you don't like the idea of multi, then don't play it online. lol :p
Now you got my all hyped up! I'm downloading it right now! :D
Thanks for the link!
Thanks for the heads-up G0rg! Looks fantastic, adding most of the things that Splinter Cell needed in the first place.
You are wellcome everybody.:)

I wish HL2 got dynamic Lighting. All this year games got DL except for HL2. :( , We should make spitdorefy go back to gabe and order him to do it. :)
This looks pretty awesome. Multiplayer looks like it'll be fun too :)

This, Halo 2, and Crimson Skies are all gonna force me to keep Xbox Live now come January :p
nice to see they made the split jump usefull this time!
|MaTT| said:
nice to see they made the split jump usefull this time!

Yeah, I used the split jump once in Splinter Cell...

I hope they don't have annoying crap where an entire floor is alerted when you take down a guy in the shadows before he notices you or makes a noise. There was a few instances of this that really bugged me in the Xbox version of Splinter Cell.
AmishSlayer said:
Yeah, I used the split jump once in Splinter Cell...

I hope they don't have annoying crap where an entire floor is alerted when you take down a guy in the shadows before he notices you or makes a noise. There was a few instances of this that really bugged me in the Xbox version of Splinter Cell.
lol yeah exactly ... same here theres so many ways of taking down a person but ofcourse you just take the simplest wich u know works :)

Its weird they even bothered making an entire animation for it in the first game though... nice feature though, Id love to see it do some actual good, I think I only used it to complete the training lol.
craigweb2k said:
looks mint. do ubi just use the same engine for every game? splinter cell, prince of persia, this, they all have the 'same' feel, just updated somehow.

I think so, it seems that way anyhow, you know splinter cell uses the unreal engine, so maybe all the others do to.
Wow I just saw the trailer! It looks very good! Although he still has those goggles wich makes him very visible in the dark... :p :sniper: :naughty:
craigweb2k said:
looks mint. do ubi just use the same engine for every game? splinter cell, prince of persia, this, they all have the 'same' feel, just updated somehow.

ubi appears to be skilled with updateing and modifying unreal warfare technology, let them use unreal if they modify it for the better im happy at its current pc stage the sdk is not very easy to optimize for performance on even mid range machines (ut2k3/4 mods) but a good flexible modifyable engine (ubi changed quite a few aspects)
holy f*ck the mp!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :sniper: :sniper: :sniper: CANT FREAKIN WAIT!!! Xbox live baby, il proly buy for xbox and pc!!

animators in ubi are amazeing especially SS team WOW and the graphics... !!! wowow I hope mp gets stable performance with good graphics on xbox and my upper mid range pc :imu: :D :eek: :cheers: :E
Someone mentioned how they thought it was strange that so many people thought MP would be a bad thing but can you imagine what would happen if they didnt adapt it as much as they have!

Splinter cell MP would be a total camp fest.

What they've done for MP is put a maximum of 4 people in a game and allow any combination of covert ops and overt ops (good and bad if you may) e.g. you could have 1 vs 3 or 2 vs 2.

The covert op guys (some fraction of splinter cell type folk) are allowed there 3rd person camera where as the overt op guys (military cunnas) only get 1st person (as seen in the vid). N.B. the 1st person camera allows you to accutaly sneek up being the guy and point a gun to there head. As you can imagine that would be imposible if the bad guys had 3rd person cameras ;)

The idea is that the spinter cell guys are ment to be nice so the only weapons they get are defensive and cut out the electoric equipment that they bad guys use. The bad guys, however, get guns that kill!! :D

To give the bad guys a chance they get motion sesors and electoric sensor that pick up movement and night vision goggles forcing a change of tactics throughout the game for all.

What i liked was the idea that when a good guy does that grab from behind/gun in face thing to a bad guy, YOUR VOICE COMS LINK UP!! With the integrated built in voice com support you can taunt that bad ass, telling him what your going to do next!!..... like maybe give him a back massage or a foot ru... i mean.... how you will break his toes.... one by one!


Go look for some info on it guys, its looking soooooo good :)
Okay... I don't think that much about it. You did. Just simply put... it'll be entertaining. :D YAY! WIN! \o/