Trailer Park Boys movie not to follow tv plot line


Nov 28, 2004
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ok so i just read that tpb movie is going to be a prequil to the tv show except they are messing it up and saying that they move to sunnyvale after they get out of prision and meet bubles there. now of course all you hard core tpb fans will know julian ricky randy and bubbles have all lived in sunnyvale all their lives. i am not to sure about how good this movie is actually going to be comparted to the normal high quality production of tpb :E
Never heard of it... care to shed some light on what it's about?
canadian tv show

that's just ****ing great, that's ****ing just ****ing great ..meh movie spin offs of tv shows rarely work out (star trek being the exception)
as cptstern said its a canadian tv show that shows you a halarified version of life in a trailerpark its got sex druggs fat men wearing no shirts and white pants and is a show all about the trials and trivulations of julian ricky and bubbles. their main goal is to become rich end of story
yeah this show is ****ing awesome, it'll be interesting to see how they play the movie off.