Trouble with Far Cry!

Jul 6, 2004
Reaction score
The pics too large so I just have to describe my problem...

All the land is like colored blue, except trees, If I go up close to stuff it has normal coloring...
ummm.......have you tried updating your drivers?
Have you done a search on the Far Cry forums over at UBI for this kind of problem or any problems related to the FX 5900 cards? Thats always worth a shot
For a second there I thought Sparta could read his mind. Tried the latest patch for Far Cry?
Harryz said:
For a second there I thought Sparta could read his mind. Tried the latest patch for Far Cry?

OHHHHH.... I forgot I just reinstalled it and didnt get the patch... Ill try that :thumbs:
Sounds like some kind of weird problem with how its rendering your LOD, since it works close up.
BTW, picked the game up yesterday. Great fun. :D
Reset your graphics settings with auto detect, Direwolf is right, I was tweaking (read : breaking the game because I didn't know what I was doing) and I got it setup so that whenever I zoomed in with a gun I had the same problem.
I had this problem on the third level. Downloaded the patch and it went away.
What did you do to fix it, just wondering so if it ever happens to someone else.
Jack_Karverboy said:
The pics too large so I just have to describe my problem...

All the land is like colored blue, except trees, If I go up close to stuff it has normal coloring...

Make sure you completely remove old drivers and then install the new ones worked for me.
Can i like friendly hi-jack this now you've fixed your problem. I dont wanna start another thread asking about another problem with farcry cool thx ;)

Ok i have a problem with farcry too :p when i try to run the game it just does'nt respond, it will start up the small loading screen....then it just dumps back to desktop without any explanation.

It started doing this before i reformatted my hdd, ive only just installed it, the installation goes smooth, its fully patched upto date. Anyone know a solution or something to try :x
Winxp pro
2600+ amd oc'ed 2.2ghz
1gb ddr 400
Abit KV7 mobo
7200rpm hdd
audigy 2

Legit farcry with an unscratched cd.

It was 1.1 before i reformatted my hdd a couple weeks ago and it did the same thing as version 1.1.