trouble with new Nvidia drivers (61.76)?


Jan 7, 2004
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Is anyone else having trouble with the new Nvidia drivers just released?
version 61.76 is what I am talking about. Since I installed this my performance has actually gone down and not up both in benchmarks and real game performance! It also does not seem to like or play well with the little addon that I use to adjust the clock and core frequencies with- NVClock. Also had some nasty crashes, which is strange for me as I my system is prety much bulletproof. what about you guys?
Well, I have a G4MX (:() and for now everything works just fine with the new drivers.. :)
Using an overclocked BFG Asylum Geforce 5700 FX Ultra w/new drivers, and no performance changes (a boost of 1-3 in FPS, nothing more)
throw out you;re nivida and get a ati! lol kidding nivida isnt bad
I seemed to have lost my Clock Frequencies settings in the NVidia tab with the new drivers. Anyone know how to get them back?
when i installed and restarted, the screen was having tiny waves and stuff, i turned it from 85hz to 75 hz, and its better now, why is that?
Think the new drivers can help my 5200? At least a little?